guinea sprache fula

Die nationalen Sprachen … Over a million speakers live in each of Guinea, Senegal, Nigeria, Niger and Mali. Farincó Fula, Oio, Guinea-Bissau - Farincó Fula, Guinea-Bissau - Subcity | Facebook. Guinea ist ein mehrsprachiges Land, in dem als Landessprachen viele einheimische westafrikanische Sprachen gesprochen werden. Het is een taalcontinuüm waarbij sprekers van aangrenzende regio's elkaar makkelijk verstaan, maar een spreker uit Sudan heeft moeite om een spreker uit Senegal te verstaan. Page Transparency See More. WEC Guinea-Bissau . People. The majority live in Middle Guinea, or the Fouta Djalon of Guinea, an area consisting of mountains and plateaus. Follow. Further notes on the data, as well as all modifications to the original data source are noted in our data sheets. Het is daarmee de meest wijd verspreide Afrikaanse taal van Afrika. The majority live in Middle Guinea, or the Fouta Djalon of Guinea, an area consisting of mountains and plateaus. De taal wordt zowel in het Latijnse schrift als in het Arabisch schrift geschreven. With comic consistency, everyone I meet asks me whether “Guinea is sweet,” not being able to imagine why anyone in their right mind would leave the United States for Guinea. They are of mixed sub-Saharan African and Berber origin. Data sources This map uses data several sources, the main one being Ethnologue (15th Edition, 2005). Includes high-resolution map. 5 years ago | 43 views. Estimating the number of speakers of a language is fraught with difficulty on several levels (last accessed January 2009). 22 June 2017 22 June 2017 Leave a comment. 11:50. Guinea-Bissau Languages - Fula (Pular) Travel. Related Pages. Die atlantischen Sprachen (von Joseph Greenberg ursprünglich westatlantisch genannt) sind eine Gruppe afrikanischer Sprachen innerhalb der Niger-Kongo-Sprachen. The tambin likely originated with the Fula (or Peuhl) people, who live throughout West Africa, with large populations in Guinea and Mali. 10 tot 16 miljoen mensen hebben het Fula als moedertaal en daarbovenop zijn er ook nog veel mensen die het als tweede taal hebben. Country. WEC is working in multicultural teams, together with the Evangelical Church of Guinea-Bissau, to bring the good news to those who have not yet had the opportunity to hear. Maps. Primary tabs. Het is een taalcontinuüm waarbij sprekers van aangrenzende regio's elkaar makkelijk verstaan, maar een spreker uit Sudan heeft moeite om een spreker uit Senegal te verstaan. Politician. Tones: uniquely among Niger-Congo, most Atlantic languages (and Fula among them) lack tones. Fula (variously also called, in European languages, Fulanl, Peul, Poular, Toucouleur, Fulfuide) is the language of the Fulbe (singular Pullo), cattle raising and farming peoples of Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroun and adjacent areas in other states. Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Sep 28, 2013 - Explore E Aminata Kuminga's board "Sekouba of Guinea Music of the Fula", followed by 1677 people on Pinterest. The inhabitants of Dialakoro are damn proud of their mangoes. Es handelt sich um die Sprache des Staates und der öffentlichen Institutionen. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Guinea) but now the Latin script is generally preferred. Länder, in denen Fula gesprochen wird Fula ist in keinem Land die offizielle Landessprache, wird aber in 11 Ländern zumindest von einem Teil der Bevölkerung als Muttersprache gesprochen. It belongs to the Atlantic branch of the Niger-Congo language family. Sep 5, 2016 - Explore Tdub's board "My ancestry _ Balanta and Fula peoples of Guinea Bissau" on Pinterest. Guinea-Bissau Languages - Fula (Pular) Report. In Guinea: Ethnic groups and languages …Fula, the language of the Fulani), while in Upper Guinea the Malinke (Maninkakan) language is the most widespread. A small population resides in Guinea Bissau. Het Fula wordt gesproken in een twintigtal Afrikaanse landen van Senegal, Mauritanië, Gambia & Guinee tot in Kameroen en Soedan, waarschijnlijk zijn er ook enclaves van sprekers in Ethiopië. Status. Allerdings ist die Amtssprache der Republik Guinea eine Sprache, die unter der französischen Fremdherrschaft eingeführt wurde: Französisch. De grootste zijn de Fulbe of Fula (46%), de Mandinka of Mandingo in het oosten (30%) en de Susu of Soussou in het westen (20%). De officiële landstaal is Frans, … The Fula language is spoken over a large area of West Africa. Fula has been written in the Arabic script or Ajami since before colonization. 81 likes. It was from Malinké musicians in Guinea that I learned the craft of playing and making these flutes, in particular from Lanciné Co… International Conventions. A number of indigenous languages enjoy the status of national languages in the country. The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Fula is a language of Guinea. The Hausa call them the Fulani, while the Wolof use Peul and the Mandinka people Fula. There are a number of different ways to write Fula in the different countries where it is spoken. Pular Pular (or Fula) is spoken mostly throughout the Fouta Djallon region in central Guinea. Fulani (fo͞olä`nē), people of W Africa, numbering approximately 14 million. See more ideas about music, guinea, malian. Fula is a language of Guinea. The Fula people, often described as the Fulani, are regarded as the world’s largest nomadic group: about 20 million people dispersed across Western Africa. There are many names for the Fula people and their language. Wilson (1989) is quoted on Wikipedia stating that “travellers over wide distances never find communication impossible”. A legacy of the French rule in Guinea, French is now the official language of Guinea. Our vision is'to plant multiplying churches among the Balanta Mane, Biafada, Fula, Mandinka and Nalu/Susu peoples in Guinea-Bissau. This continues to a certain degree in some areas (e.g. WALS Online - Language Fula (Guinean) Family: Niger-Congo /. Their flutes are also used in the traditional music of the Malinké people in Guinea, as a result of their living in close proximity with the Fulani for many centuries. Subfamily: Atlantic /. However, the Fulani people (or Peuls) are scattered throughout Guinea. They are an ethnic group spread over many countries, predominantly in West Africa and Northern parts of Central Africa, but also in Sudanese North Africa. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 21 dec 2019 om 09:11. Historically, the Fulani are a nomadic people who traveled from one region to another, seeking water for their cattle herds. Während sie lange Zeit als ein Primärzweig des Niger-Kongo angesehen worden sind, handelt es sich neueren Erkenntnissen zufolge eher um eine hauptsächlich geografisch und sprachtypologisch begründete Zusammenfassung von mehreren Primärzweigen des Niger-Kongo. De naam Fula wordt vooral in Engelstalige literatuur gebruikt in navolging van de geleerde D.W. Arnott omdat de term Fula makkelijker uit te spreken is dan de westelijke taalnaam Pulaar en de oostelijke taalnaam Fulfulde. Guinee telt naar schatting ruim 12 miljoen inwoners, verdeeld over ongeveer 24 etnische groepen. Page created - August 1, 2017. Tag: Fula. The Fula language is spoken over a large area of West Africa. The group speaks its own language, Pulaar, in addition to other languages (LANG = 1), and has different traditions stemming from the nomadic heritage as … Fula (Peul ) traditional dancers (Nhamakala) in Guinea entertain guests at a wedding ceremony More Information on Foreign Service Institute Fula Courses FSI- Fula Basic Course The Fula Language and People Fula (variously also called, in European languages, Fulanl, Peul, Poular, Toucouleur, Fulfuide) is the language of the Fulbe (singular Pullo), cattle raising and farming peoples of Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroun and adjacent areas in other states. They also can be found in Central African Republic and … They speak a Niger-Congo language called Futa Jalo (or Pulaar). Mit einem Anteil von rund 39% ist sie am weitesten in Guinea verbreitet. They are grouped and named according to their location, occupation and dialect of their widely spoken language. Privacy. The Fula language is a language of West Africa, spoken by the Fula people from Senegal to Cameroon and Sudan. Fula , also known as Fulani or Fulah (Fula: Fulfulde, Pulaar, Pular; French: Peul), is a Senegambian language spoken as a set of various dialects in a continuum that stretches across some 20 countries in West and Central Africa by more than 65 million people., Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. Insgesamt sprechen weltweit etwa 39,4 Mio Menschen Fula als Muttersprache. Languages. The major dialects known as Pular, Pulaar and Fulfulde are considered by Ethnologue to be separate languages, but … The Republic of Guinea has a diverse linguistic landscape. More than 40 languages are spoken across the country. They reside mostly in Nigeria, Mali, Guinea, Cameroon, Senegal, and Niger. Purchase map use license. Script and Orthography. Roughly 31% of the population there speak it as a first language. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Roughly 31% of the population there speak it as a first language. We aim to map as complete data as possible and therefore estimate data for missing values. In Mali ligt die naamgrens. Sie ist auch nach der Unabhängigkeit aufgrund der weiterhin engen Bindung Guineas an Frankreich die offizielle Sprache des Landes geblieben. 09 February 2017. The majority of the Fulani in Guinea are found in the Guinea Highlands in a region dubbed Fouta Djalon (GROUPCON = 3). The Forest Region contains the linguistic areas, from east to west, of Kpelle (Guerzé), Loma (Toma), and Kisi. It dominates the Kankan Region where it is spoken by 87.1% of the population. Fula (34.6%) is mostly spoken in Middle Guinea, where the major city is Labé.It dominates in the Labé and Mamou regions where it is spoken by 94.5% and 92.4% of the populations respectively.. Malinké (24.9%) is mostly spoken in Upper Guinea, where Kankan is the major city. (Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.). Playing next. The Fula Jalon of Guinea The Fula Jalon are a large people group located in the western African nations of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Senegal. The language numbers we use and publish are rough estimates, and should not be taken as definitive. The Fula Jalon are a large people group located in the western African nations of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Senegal. Definition The maps in the 2005 language data series are made from data on the number of people speaking a language as their first-language, that is the language they would use at home. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. The Fula or Peul, Peulh, Fulbe as they are sometimes better known by in other West African countries make up 18% of the Gambia's total population & are the second largest ethnic group.They are closely related to the Tukulor and are traditionally herdsmen but later some groups entered the occupations of farming, trading and in more modern times are many are also heavily into shop-keeping. By region. Print. Guinea-Bissau. First recorded as living in the Senegambia There are roughly 14 million speakers in 17 African territories. The major dialects known as Pular, Pulaar and Fulfulde are considered by Ethnologue to be separate languages, but most linguists consider Fula to be a single language. The Fula people are widely distributed, across the Sahel from the Atlantic coast to the Red Sea, particularly in West Africa. Guinea-Bissau language - How to speak Guinea-Bissau Creole. Pulaar/Fulani Malinke Susu Wolof (Senegal) Link to African languages including Wolof and Mandinka, Fufulde, Swahili, Zulu These pages have several downloadable language manuals. Click below to find them all. Guinea in Bloom. See more ideas about guinea bissau, bissau, my ancestry. They speak … Browse more videos. Fula people or Fulani or Fulbe (Fula: Fulɓe; French: Peul; Hausa: Fulan; Portuguese: Fula; Wolof: Pël; Bambara: Fulaw) are the largest Migratory ethnic group in the world. Fula is een taal die voornamelijk door de Fulbe in West-Afrika wordt gesproken en die tot de Atlantische Congotalen van de Niger-Congotalen behoort. The […] Territory size shows the proportion of all people who speak Fula as a first language that live in that territory. These include the Malinké, Kissi, Toma, Fula, and Kpelle. Contact Fula De Guinea Bissau on Messenger. In some cases, missing data for very small territories is not used in the cartogram and that area is therefore omitted in the map. Most use the Latin alphabet, but the Arabic script has also been used, as has a script called Adlam, which was invented in the 1980s in Guinea. Accordingly, there are five major groups of Fulani: the Fula Toro, Fulakunda, Fulfulde, Fuuta Jalon, and Tukolor. ACHPR (1985), CSICH (2016), ICCPR (2010), UNCRPD (2014) Genus: Peul-Serer. Fula is een taal die voornamelijk door de Fulbe in West-Afrika wordt gesproken en die tot de Atlantische Congotalen van de Niger-Congotalen behoort.

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