Displays > AirPlay Display > Off) then wait 20-30 seconds and turn it back ON. JavaScript ist deaktiviert. Has Your AppleTV Not Been Used in a While? Some third-party speakers might require a firmware update to support AirPlay 2 streaming. OS X 10.11 El Capitan, released on September 30, 2015, is the next iteration of OS X, building on the features and design changes introduced with OS X Yosemite. To switch Airplay on and off, go to System Preferences > Displays and uncheck (or check) the checkbox to “Display mirroring options in the menu bar when available”. Apple TV: unplug your device from the power source for minimum thirty seconds, then plug it in again, Your WiFi router (follow your manufacturer’s instructions). "Apowersoft Audio Device" lässt sich nicht deinstallieren, El Capitan lässt sich nicht mehr installieren. Lediglich über die Systemeinstellung TON kann ich den jeweiligen Ausgabelautsprecher wählen. On an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus: Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Volume Down buttons for at least ten seconds, until you see the Apple logo. OS X El Capitan won't install on these two MacBook Pros (8,1). Now Safari lets you keep favourite websites open and accessible with Pinned Sites. To check what Mac you own and operating system you use, click the Apple icon and go to 'About this Mac' and choose the 'More Info' button. This never happened before I upgraded to El Capitan. It already works with video services such as YouTube and Vimeo. ...schliesse mich mal an. Now, however, El Capitan lets you send YouTube videos right from within Safari (Chrome users are out of luck). Hab es gerade nochmal probiert .... und siehe da, ich kann den Airplay-Lautsprecher jetzt auswählen. HomeKit isn't supported on Samsung smart TVs. Below you can see how it works with YouTube. Unfortunately, this is a temporary fix, when you restart or shut down your computer, this problem returns, and you have to repeat the steps above. Try unchecking that option, restarting your iMac, then going back and checking the option to see if the Airplay icon will appear in your top status/menu bar. You can stream only audio from Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD using AirPlay. Open iTunes on your computer. Only Macs from 2011 and recent are able to support Airplay streaming and only 2 nd-gen or later Apple TVs. To the right of the volume slider in iTunes, click. Finally, choose the “Apply” button to set your network changes * If you’re not sure what DNS to use, you can find the fastest DNS servers for your situation with a benchmarking utility.Typically the fastest servers are Google DNS and OpenDNS, but results may vary per region. Kaip ištaisyti trūkstamą "AirPlay" piktogramą "iPhone" ir "iPod touch" „AirPlay“ yra integruota „iOS“ (operacinė sistema, veikianti „iPhone“ ir „iPod touch“) funkcija, todėl jums nereikia nieko diegti, kad galėtumėte naudotis ja, ir jos negalima pašalinti. If the AirPlay icon is missing from your Mac, try these steps to get it back: Try steps 1-3, and 8, from the iPhone section of this article. As you can imagine, this is infuriating as it means you need to tediously navigate through the drop down menu to find a specific location, wasting precious time (which could be better off surfing Facebook or playing Clash of Clans; I refuse to deny nor confirm such claims).. Anyways, it appears I’m not alone in suffering from this bug, found in OS X El Capitan and earlier versions too. Du verwendest einen veralteten Browser. Bei mir wird der Raspi mit Openelec/Kodi in iTunes über Airplay erkannt (Habe hier einen Dovado Router z.Zt. ... You’ll see a new option just to the left of the Full Screen icon: AirPlay. On an iPhone 6s and earlier, iPad, or iPod touch: Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons for at least ten seconds, until you see the Apple logo. Es dauert aber ziemlich lange, bis dieser nach dem Einschalten vom Mac erkannt wird. Externe Apple SSD lässt sich nicht löschen. Check your Mac's firewall settings. To setup the DisplayLink driver to use AirPlay: Fixing Wi-Fi Issues in OS X El Capitan. Apple: Missing lock icon in System Preferences->Sharing on El CapitanHelpful? Bei mir wird der Raspi mit Openelec/Kodi in iTunes über Airplay erkannt, Ähm, genau so soll es doch auch sein ... Systemeinstellungen - Ton oder durch Alt-Mausklick auf den Lautsprecher in der Menüzeile. If you can’t wait till this fall for El Capitan to get this feature, or you have an unsupported Mac you can check out AirParrot 2 for Mac that features media streaming and … Connect your computer and your Apple TV to the same Wi-Fi network. Additionally, if Music app is started and Airplay icon clicked, all Airplay devices show there. These Mac models are compatible with OS X El Capitan: MacBook (Early 2015) MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer) Make sure that all devices (iOS, macOS, and Apple TV) are up-to-date with their operating software and firmware, Select Settings > System > Software Updates > Update Software (4th gen), Settings > General > Update Software (3rd gen or earlier), Click the download button and follow the onscreen instructions to begin your upgrade, Take a look at your WiFi router and see if any update is available for that too, Connect to the same WiFi network on your iDevice or computer, If using Ethernet, connect both devices to the same router or hub, On AppleTV, Turn AirPlay off and on again, Turn off Bluetooth off and on again for your iDevice or mac, For Mac: Go to System Preferences and select Bluetooth, iOS: press and hold the power button for a few seconds then slide the red slider, macOS: go to Apple Logo and select Restart, Settings > General > Restart (3rd gen and earlier), OR Press and hold the Menu + Down buttons for minimum 6 seconds. AirPlay support in Safari 9 brings this features to the Apple TV. In this tutorial we will look at a couple different ways of hiding desktop icons on Mac OSX. I have an AirPlay icon available but do not have the an Airplay option to choose in order to connect to my ATV 2. Specifically, readers report that their Mail app keeps crashing with El Capitan. Note your Mac must support AirPlayfor this solution to work. Why? Update the version of the macOS running on your Mac. Die Verbindung Macbook - Kodi (14.2) funktioniert nur noch über iTunes, aber nicht mehr als Ausgabegerät... Du musst dich einloggen oder registrieren, um hier zu antworten. The OS X El Capitan version aims to fix that. See if AirPlay now works. Do Third-Party Camera Apps Work On iPhone? I have the same issue as olive yang. Sound Issues? How To Add Playback Effects To a Live Photo, How To Use the Workout App on an Apple Watch, AirPlay photos and videos from any iOS device (using iOS 5 or later) to your 2nd generation or later AppleTV, AirPlay music from any iOS device (using iOS 5 or later) to your Apple TV, Some apps do not support AirPlay, so first check the app description or website for details on AirPlay support, AirPlay Mirroring requires iOS 5 or later, AppleTV must use version 5.0 or later software, 2nd generation AppleTV required for photos and videos. Ffh Top 40 Webradio,
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Displays > AirPlay Display > Off) then wait 20-30 seconds and turn it back ON. JavaScript ist deaktiviert. Has Your AppleTV Not Been Used in a While? Some third-party speakers might require a firmware update to support AirPlay 2 streaming. OS X 10.11 El Capitan, released on September 30, 2015, is the next iteration of OS X, building on the features and design changes introduced with OS X Yosemite. To switch Airplay on and off, go to System Preferences > Displays and uncheck (or check) the checkbox to “Display mirroring options in the menu bar when available”. Apple TV: unplug your device from the power source for minimum thirty seconds, then plug it in again, Your WiFi router (follow your manufacturer’s instructions). "Apowersoft Audio Device" lässt sich nicht deinstallieren, El Capitan lässt sich nicht mehr installieren. Lediglich über die Systemeinstellung TON kann ich den jeweiligen Ausgabelautsprecher wählen. On an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus: Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Volume Down buttons for at least ten seconds, until you see the Apple logo. OS X El Capitan won't install on these two MacBook Pros (8,1). Now Safari lets you keep favourite websites open and accessible with Pinned Sites. To check what Mac you own and operating system you use, click the Apple icon and go to 'About this Mac' and choose the 'More Info' button. This never happened before I upgraded to El Capitan. It already works with video services such as YouTube and Vimeo. ...schliesse mich mal an. Now, however, El Capitan lets you send YouTube videos right from within Safari (Chrome users are out of luck). Hab es gerade nochmal probiert .... und siehe da, ich kann den Airplay-Lautsprecher jetzt auswählen. HomeKit isn't supported on Samsung smart TVs. Below you can see how it works with YouTube. Unfortunately, this is a temporary fix, when you restart or shut down your computer, this problem returns, and you have to repeat the steps above. Try unchecking that option, restarting your iMac, then going back and checking the option to see if the Airplay icon will appear in your top status/menu bar. You can stream only audio from Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD using AirPlay. Open iTunes on your computer. Only Macs from 2011 and recent are able to support Airplay streaming and only 2 nd-gen or later Apple TVs. To the right of the volume slider in iTunes, click. Finally, choose the “Apply” button to set your network changes * If you’re not sure what DNS to use, you can find the fastest DNS servers for your situation with a benchmarking utility.Typically the fastest servers are Google DNS and OpenDNS, but results may vary per region. Kaip ištaisyti trūkstamą "AirPlay" piktogramą "iPhone" ir "iPod touch" „AirPlay“ yra integruota „iOS“ (operacinė sistema, veikianti „iPhone“ ir „iPod touch“) funkcija, todėl jums nereikia nieko diegti, kad galėtumėte naudotis ja, ir jos negalima pašalinti. If the AirPlay icon is missing from your Mac, try these steps to get it back: Try steps 1-3, and 8, from the iPhone section of this article. As you can imagine, this is infuriating as it means you need to tediously navigate through the drop down menu to find a specific location, wasting precious time (which could be better off surfing Facebook or playing Clash of Clans; I refuse to deny nor confirm such claims).. Anyways, it appears I’m not alone in suffering from this bug, found in OS X El Capitan and earlier versions too. Du verwendest einen veralteten Browser. Bei mir wird der Raspi mit Openelec/Kodi in iTunes über Airplay erkannt (Habe hier einen Dovado Router z.Zt. ... You’ll see a new option just to the left of the Full Screen icon: AirPlay. On an iPhone 6s and earlier, iPad, or iPod touch: Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons for at least ten seconds, until you see the Apple logo. Es dauert aber ziemlich lange, bis dieser nach dem Einschalten vom Mac erkannt wird. Externe Apple SSD lässt sich nicht löschen. Check your Mac's firewall settings. To setup the DisplayLink driver to use AirPlay: Fixing Wi-Fi Issues in OS X El Capitan. Apple: Missing lock icon in System Preferences->Sharing on El CapitanHelpful? Bei mir wird der Raspi mit Openelec/Kodi in iTunes über Airplay erkannt, Ähm, genau so soll es doch auch sein ... Systemeinstellungen - Ton oder durch Alt-Mausklick auf den Lautsprecher in der Menüzeile. If you can’t wait till this fall for El Capitan to get this feature, or you have an unsupported Mac you can check out AirParrot 2 for Mac that features media streaming and … Connect your computer and your Apple TV to the same Wi-Fi network. Additionally, if Music app is started and Airplay icon clicked, all Airplay devices show there. These Mac models are compatible with OS X El Capitan: MacBook (Early 2015) MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer) Make sure that all devices (iOS, macOS, and Apple TV) are up-to-date with their operating software and firmware, Select Settings > System > Software Updates > Update Software (4th gen), Settings > General > Update Software (3rd gen or earlier), Click the download button and follow the onscreen instructions to begin your upgrade, Take a look at your WiFi router and see if any update is available for that too, Connect to the same WiFi network on your iDevice or computer, If using Ethernet, connect both devices to the same router or hub, On AppleTV, Turn AirPlay off and on again, Turn off Bluetooth off and on again for your iDevice or mac, For Mac: Go to System Preferences and select Bluetooth, iOS: press and hold the power button for a few seconds then slide the red slider, macOS: go to Apple Logo and select Restart, Settings > General > Restart (3rd gen and earlier), OR Press and hold the Menu + Down buttons for minimum 6 seconds. AirPlay support in Safari 9 brings this features to the Apple TV. In this tutorial we will look at a couple different ways of hiding desktop icons on Mac OSX. I have an AirPlay icon available but do not have the an Airplay option to choose in order to connect to my ATV 2. Specifically, readers report that their Mail app keeps crashing with El Capitan. Note your Mac must support AirPlayfor this solution to work. Why? Update the version of the macOS running on your Mac. Die Verbindung Macbook - Kodi (14.2) funktioniert nur noch über iTunes, aber nicht mehr als Ausgabegerät... Du musst dich einloggen oder registrieren, um hier zu antworten. The OS X El Capitan version aims to fix that. See if AirPlay now works. Do Third-Party Camera Apps Work On iPhone? I have the same issue as olive yang. Sound Issues? How To Add Playback Effects To a Live Photo, How To Use the Workout App on an Apple Watch, AirPlay photos and videos from any iOS device (using iOS 5 or later) to your 2nd generation or later AppleTV, AirPlay music from any iOS device (using iOS 5 or later) to your Apple TV, Some apps do not support AirPlay, so first check the app description or website for details on AirPlay support, AirPlay Mirroring requires iOS 5 or later, AppleTV must use version 5.0 or later software, 2nd generation AppleTV required for photos and videos. Ffh Top 40 Webradio,
Bertelsmann Data Science Program Salary,
Kimi Räikkönen Instagram,
Villages In Jamaica,
Rtl - Les Auditeurs Ont La Parole Facebook,
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Eisenach Einwohnerzahl 2019,
General Atlantic Aktie,
Cybex Kindersitz 15-36 Kg Anleitung,
Caroline Förster Straßencops,
Borussia Mönchengladbach Ticket Rückgabe,
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Erst wenn ich das "Originale Apple-Airplay" der Airport-Express aktiviere, erkennt er die Airport und auch Kodi. Comprehensive Guide to…, iPhone AirPods Disconnecting Calls? With OS X El Capitan, the best browser for your Mac brings new tools for better surfing. Konnte bisher auch Airplay-Geräte als Audioausgabe wählen (Alt-Klick auf den Lautsprecher im Menü). Hallo, seit dem Update auf El Capitan funktioniert die AirPlay Funktion zwischen meinem Macbook Pro (Mid 2012) und meinem Apple TV 2 nicht mehr. If you don’t see the AirPlay menu, go to Apple menu → System Preferences, click Displays and choose “Show mirroring options in the menu bar when available”. And use AirPlay to stream video … Notice the small Airplay icon in … This release supports one extended display using Apple AirPlay. Apple's latest update to OS X, El Capitan, takes its quirky name from a vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park. im Einsatz). Das streamen von Musik funktioniert jedoch nach wie vor tadellos. For macOS 10.14 onwards, v5.x or later software should be used, which restores multiple extended display support, without needing to use AirPlay. Ich hänge mich hier mal ran, gibt es mittlerweile eine Lösung? This icon only appears when an AirPlay-enabled device is on the same Wi-Fi network. Taking Photo But iPhone Says Storage is Full? Connect your computer and your Apple TV to the same Wi-Fi network. Click the Apple TV icon. Hab es jetzt nochmal nachvollziehen können: Mein Kodi-Airplay erkennt der Mac nicht wenn es "allein" im Netz ist. We go hands-on with the first beta to tell you how well it delivers! El Capitan, Fenster öffnen mit Apfel + o geht nur ab zwei Ordner gleichzeitig. Just click the AirPlay icon that appears on compatible web videos and you can watch your video on the big screen. Take a Look at AirPlay and Bluetooth Settings, How to fix Apple Music not working on iPhone / iPad, iOS 13 or iPadOS problems and how to fix them -…. The Definitive Guide to iCloud Photos (2020 update), How to transfer your photos from iCloud Photos to…, iMessage Not Working iOS 12? How to fix…, How to backup your iPhone or iPad photos to an…, How to cancel automatic billing: auto-renewing subscriptions, Fix: Mac Time Machine Not Deleting Old Backups, Fix: App Is Damaged and Cannot Be Opened on Mac. FlatpanelsHD has taken a closer look with the public beta of OS X El Capitan. For details about your Mac model, click the Apple icon at the top left of your screen, choose About This Mac, then choose More Info. Für eine bessere Darstellung aktiviere bitte JavaScript in deinem Browser, bevor du fortfährst. You can quickly mute audio without hunting for the tab it’s coming from. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. It appears that the newer (post-2012) Macbooks running El Capitan seem to be doing well. However, a few users point out that they have some challenges using the Mail App on their Macs after the upgrade to El Capitan. In der Symbolleiste ist Airplay auch "aus", aber ich denke das ist OK so. To use Siri to play and control video on a smart TV, you need an AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV that supports HomeKit. Es ist möglich, dass diese oder andere Websites nicht korrekt angezeigt werden. To the right of the volume slider in iTunes, click. Tips, How To Fix Messages and iMessage Problems in iOS 11, FaceTime Not Working in iOS 11, How-To Fix, Sidecar not working in iPadOS and macOS? ... was still missing a few key features. Older Macs cannot stream Airplay videos due to some mirroring restrictions. Das Symbol in der Menüleiste wird angezeigt aber dort steht "AirPlay: Aus" und die Wahl der Systemeinstellung ist … OS X automatically detects an Apple TV when it’s on the same network, and displays the AirPlay icon in the Mac’s menu bar. It is clear that Airplay is integrated deep into the operating system. OS X El Capitan promises to refine and advance everything that made OS X Yosemite great, and fix everything that made it not-so-great. ... Quiet time, extensions, and AirPlay. Im Macbook wird seit El Capitan unter dem Airplay Icon in der Menueleiste kein Ausgangsgerät (ATV) aufgeführt und es steht „ Airplay aus“ iPhone und iPad unter iOS 9.01 streamen nur den Ton eines gewählten Films auf ein gejailbreakten (aFlashTV) ATV2 . Fix Message App Problems, Who's Afraid of Losing Data? This icon only appears when an AirPlay-enabled device is on the same Wi-Fi network. Turn AirPlay Off (System Preferences > Displays > AirPlay Display > Off) then wait 20-30 seconds and turn it back ON. JavaScript ist deaktiviert. Has Your AppleTV Not Been Used in a While? Some third-party speakers might require a firmware update to support AirPlay 2 streaming. OS X 10.11 El Capitan, released on September 30, 2015, is the next iteration of OS X, building on the features and design changes introduced with OS X Yosemite. To switch Airplay on and off, go to System Preferences > Displays and uncheck (or check) the checkbox to “Display mirroring options in the menu bar when available”. Apple TV: unplug your device from the power source for minimum thirty seconds, then plug it in again, Your WiFi router (follow your manufacturer’s instructions). "Apowersoft Audio Device" lässt sich nicht deinstallieren, El Capitan lässt sich nicht mehr installieren. Lediglich über die Systemeinstellung TON kann ich den jeweiligen Ausgabelautsprecher wählen. On an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus: Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Volume Down buttons for at least ten seconds, until you see the Apple logo. OS X El Capitan won't install on these two MacBook Pros (8,1). Now Safari lets you keep favourite websites open and accessible with Pinned Sites. To check what Mac you own and operating system you use, click the Apple icon and go to 'About this Mac' and choose the 'More Info' button. This never happened before I upgraded to El Capitan. It already works with video services such as YouTube and Vimeo. ...schliesse mich mal an. Now, however, El Capitan lets you send YouTube videos right from within Safari (Chrome users are out of luck). Hab es gerade nochmal probiert .... und siehe da, ich kann den Airplay-Lautsprecher jetzt auswählen. HomeKit isn't supported on Samsung smart TVs. Below you can see how it works with YouTube. Unfortunately, this is a temporary fix, when you restart or shut down your computer, this problem returns, and you have to repeat the steps above. Try unchecking that option, restarting your iMac, then going back and checking the option to see if the Airplay icon will appear in your top status/menu bar. You can stream only audio from Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD using AirPlay. Open iTunes on your computer. Only Macs from 2011 and recent are able to support Airplay streaming and only 2 nd-gen or later Apple TVs. To the right of the volume slider in iTunes, click. Finally, choose the “Apply” button to set your network changes * If you’re not sure what DNS to use, you can find the fastest DNS servers for your situation with a benchmarking utility.Typically the fastest servers are Google DNS and OpenDNS, but results may vary per region. Kaip ištaisyti trūkstamą "AirPlay" piktogramą "iPhone" ir "iPod touch" „AirPlay“ yra integruota „iOS“ (operacinė sistema, veikianti „iPhone“ ir „iPod touch“) funkcija, todėl jums nereikia nieko diegti, kad galėtumėte naudotis ja, ir jos negalima pašalinti. If the AirPlay icon is missing from your Mac, try these steps to get it back: Try steps 1-3, and 8, from the iPhone section of this article. As you can imagine, this is infuriating as it means you need to tediously navigate through the drop down menu to find a specific location, wasting precious time (which could be better off surfing Facebook or playing Clash of Clans; I refuse to deny nor confirm such claims).. Anyways, it appears I’m not alone in suffering from this bug, found in OS X El Capitan and earlier versions too. Du verwendest einen veralteten Browser. Bei mir wird der Raspi mit Openelec/Kodi in iTunes über Airplay erkannt (Habe hier einen Dovado Router z.Zt. ... You’ll see a new option just to the left of the Full Screen icon: AirPlay. On an iPhone 6s and earlier, iPad, or iPod touch: Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons for at least ten seconds, until you see the Apple logo. Es dauert aber ziemlich lange, bis dieser nach dem Einschalten vom Mac erkannt wird. Externe Apple SSD lässt sich nicht löschen. Check your Mac's firewall settings. To setup the DisplayLink driver to use AirPlay: Fixing Wi-Fi Issues in OS X El Capitan. Apple: Missing lock icon in System Preferences->Sharing on El CapitanHelpful? Bei mir wird der Raspi mit Openelec/Kodi in iTunes über Airplay erkannt, Ähm, genau so soll es doch auch sein ... Systemeinstellungen - Ton oder durch Alt-Mausklick auf den Lautsprecher in der Menüzeile. If you can’t wait till this fall for El Capitan to get this feature, or you have an unsupported Mac you can check out AirParrot 2 for Mac that features media streaming and … Connect your computer and your Apple TV to the same Wi-Fi network. Additionally, if Music app is started and Airplay icon clicked, all Airplay devices show there. These Mac models are compatible with OS X El Capitan: MacBook (Early 2015) MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer) Make sure that all devices (iOS, macOS, and Apple TV) are up-to-date with their operating software and firmware, Select Settings > System > Software Updates > Update Software (4th gen), Settings > General > Update Software (3rd gen or earlier), Click the download button and follow the onscreen instructions to begin your upgrade, Take a look at your WiFi router and see if any update is available for that too, Connect to the same WiFi network on your iDevice or computer, If using Ethernet, connect both devices to the same router or hub, On AppleTV, Turn AirPlay off and on again, Turn off Bluetooth off and on again for your iDevice or mac, For Mac: Go to System Preferences and select Bluetooth, iOS: press and hold the power button for a few seconds then slide the red slider, macOS: go to Apple Logo and select Restart, Settings > General > Restart (3rd gen and earlier), OR Press and hold the Menu + Down buttons for minimum 6 seconds. AirPlay support in Safari 9 brings this features to the Apple TV. In this tutorial we will look at a couple different ways of hiding desktop icons on Mac OSX. I have an AirPlay icon available but do not have the an Airplay option to choose in order to connect to my ATV 2. Specifically, readers report that their Mail app keeps crashing with El Capitan. Note your Mac must support AirPlayfor this solution to work. Why? Update the version of the macOS running on your Mac. Die Verbindung Macbook - Kodi (14.2) funktioniert nur noch über iTunes, aber nicht mehr als Ausgabegerät... Du musst dich einloggen oder registrieren, um hier zu antworten. The OS X El Capitan version aims to fix that. See if AirPlay now works. Do Third-Party Camera Apps Work On iPhone? I have the same issue as olive yang. Sound Issues? How To Add Playback Effects To a Live Photo, How To Use the Workout App on an Apple Watch, AirPlay photos and videos from any iOS device (using iOS 5 or later) to your 2nd generation or later AppleTV, AirPlay music from any iOS device (using iOS 5 or later) to your Apple TV, Some apps do not support AirPlay, so first check the app description or website for details on AirPlay support, AirPlay Mirroring requires iOS 5 or later, AppleTV must use version 5.0 or later software, 2nd generation AppleTV required for photos and videos.