Bryan unloaded on Kingston with his patented kicks, looking to strike the fight out of his rival. A jumping knee from out of nowhere allowed Murphy to deliver his Murphy's Law finisher, but Nese landed too close to the ropes and was able to drape his foot over it to break the count. Mahal was eliminated, Andrade stupidly eliminated himself and Apollo Crews, and the Hardys teamed up to try to dump Strowman to the floor. The Cesaro Swing followed while Sheamus unloaded on Nakamura, Jey Uso and Black. The Hulkster mocked his own SilverDome/Superdome screw up from a few years back and played to the crowd. Orton wrestled control back from his opponent, though, and set him up for the draping DDT. April 2019 TobiTextet 5 BILDER, ALLE ARTIKEL 3. Rousey interrupted and turned a double-powerbomb attempt into a double submission. Singles MatchRoman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyreSieger: Roman ReignsRoman Reigns gewann nach dem Spear. And piano. The Game was relentless in his assault of The Animal, using a steel chain to punish him and a wrench to maim his hand. (07.04.19) 8. The champion worked over his opponent with a headlock as blood formed around his left eye—the first battle wound incurred at this year's extravaganza. Jost and Che returned to the squared circle and tried to help but Strowman powered out and eliminated Matt and Jeff. Jost and Che wasted no time bailing to the floor and hiding under the ring as all hell broke loose. It just feels somewhat anticlimactic considering the potential for storyline continuity that was not followed up on. April 2019 im MetLife-Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, ausgetragen. Mit dem Sieg geht also Triple Hs Karriere weiter. Lynch entered third, minus the frills, intense focus painting her face. Die WWE zeigt WrestleMania 36 per Stream auf dem WWE Network, wir berichten die Ergebnisse und wichtigsten Ereignisse hier per Liveticker – der nur halt nicht so ganz live ist. A dropkick by The Man to Rousey sent her tailbone-first into the apron. Der WWE Hall of Famer ließ ein paar Phrasen fallen und Posen stehen, bis Paul Heyman plötzlich zum Ring marschierte. Urheberrecht der Texte und Bilder liegt bei (Die Portalmacher UG), sofern nicht anders gekennzeichnet / Umsetzung der Seite durch WERK 70. We knew earlier in the week Mysterio was hobbled by an ankle injury. HAS. Shane-O-Mac attacked George, drawing the rage of Miz, who reappeared and took the fight to the fourth-generation Superstar. Now, if we could never see them in a match that long or needlessly overbooked again, it would be greatly appreciated. Ascacibar mit verbalem Aussetzer im Berlin-Derby 0:58 min. Reisingers Standpunkt: Ronda Rousey entfaltet nach Heel-Turn endlich ihr Potenzial in der WWE. "The Beast is on an absolute rampage at WrestleMania," Corey Graves said, accurately describing the destruction Lesnar had caused. A collision led to Ryder being tagged back in. The two paired off, teasing a few eliminations until The Princess of Staten Island delivered a superkick that ended Logan's night in disappointment. shtick and that was the end of that until Paul Heyman marched to the ring and grabbed a microphone. What an explosive way to kick off this show. Wrestlemania 35 ergebnisse - Der absolute Vergleichssieger unter allen Produkten. Ronda Rousey: Baby-Pause in der WWE - Comeback schon zu WrestleMania 36? A big neckbreaker earned him a near-fall. Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight eliminated The Ascension, but the resurgent Strowman cleaned house, sending the NXT exports to the floor. "Every expectation was met!" Diese WrestleMania war von der völlig irren Sorte! Seconds later, Trouble in Paradise felled Bryan, and Kingston won the WWE Championship. A big slam and suplex turned the tide in Lashley's favor. This was the stuff of legend. Harper feierte in dem Match sein Comeback. 94.000) Pre-Show Die größte Show des Jahres wird von der Expertenrunde - bestehend aus Renee Young, Booker T und Lita - eröffnet. Rollins overcame a punishing assault to win the title and end Lesnar's reign of terror over the Raw brand. April 2019 TobiTextet 5 BILDER, ALLE ARTIKEL 3. The final match on the WrestleMania 35 card will see Rousey put the Raw women's title on the line against 2019 Royal Rumble winner Lynch and Flair, who will … WrestleMania 35 hostess Alexa Bliss kicked off the show by admitting, with a snap of her fingers, she could control the fate of the show. Die WWE stellte die neuesten WWE Hall of Famer vor: The Honky Tonk Man, Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray), Torrie Wilson, The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart), Brutus Beefcake, Warrior-Award-Gewinnerin Sue Aitchison und die D-Generation X (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, X-Pac & Chyna). He rose to the occasion, delivered his greatest performance in the most important match of his career and captured the prize that validates his 11 years of hard work and dedication to his craft. Schließlich ist WrestleMania 36 schon Geschichte. WWE United States ChampionshipSamoa Joe (c) vs. Rey MysterioSieger und weiterhin WWE US Champion: Samoa JoeSamoa Joe besiegte Rey Mysterio in unter einer Minute mit dem Coquina Clutch. She tried a moonsault but landed in the grasp of Lynch, who tried for the Disarm-Her. Nese took the fight to Murphy early, but the Australian caught him on the top rope and dropped him gut-first on the turnbuckle to seize control of the bout. Edge, WWE Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre and More! Unser Team an Produkttestern hat unterschiedliche Hersteller ausführlichst verglichen und wir präsentieren Ihnen als Leser hier alle Ergebnisse des Tests. NEW #RAW #WomensChampion.NEW #SDLive #WomensChampion. Meistgesehene Videos. Elias introduced something specifically for WrestleMania that would "be played for years to come.". Bruised, cut, battered and beaten, he stood atop the stage the leader of the brand that he has been for the last eight months. blickt auf die WrestleMania-Ergebnisse von Tag eins. With both Banks and Bayley down, Tamina and Jax climbed the ropes for a double splash attempt, but Phoenix knocked the latter to the floor. Nach dem Match bekam Kingston wieder einen ordentlichen WWE Title statt den Eco-Title, den Bryan eingeführt hatte. Carmella warf als Letztes Sarah Logan raus. Angle applied the ankle lock, but Corbin rolled through, sending him face-first into the turnbuckles. This is what pro wrestling is all about. WrestleMania 35 hostess Alexa Bliss kicked off the show by admitting, with a snap of her fingers, she could control the fate of the show. Styles mounted a comeback, rocking Orton with a corner clothesline. Using them to carry the tag titles across Raw, SmackDown and NXT is a solid decision if the intention is to eventually put over a babyface duo. Tom Phillips exclaimed. The future Hall of Famer paid dearly for the elimination as Deville knocked her to the floor. The Phenomenal One delivered a 450 splash for a near-fall, but he was again unable to build a sustained offense. Fast! Kurt Angle's Farewell MatchKurt Angle vs. Baron CorbinSieger: Baron CorbinBaron Corbin gewann nach dem End of Days, nachdem Kurt Angle einen Moonsault ins Leere gesetzt hatte. The former partners fell some 15 feet to the ground in a jaw-dropping superplex spot, but it was McMahon who happened to land on top of Miz. The fight continued to the international commentary position, where Miz continued his WrestleMania-sized ass-whooping. April 2019 Zuschauer: 82.265 Kickoff-Show Nun ist es soweit: Die größte Show des Jahres - "The Grandest Stage of Them All" - die zweistündige Kickoff-Show startet! McMahon stalled early, forcing Miz to chase him around the squared circle. Được tổ chức tại East Rutherford, New Jersey vào ngày 7 tháng 4 năm 2019. Miz recovered and began targeting Shane's knee, blasting it with a steel chair. #WrestleMania Creating space between them worked, as he caught Triple H coming off the ring apron and dropped him with a side suplex on the announce table. Kickoff-Show: WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Titelwechsel! Eliminating Jax and Tamina, showcasing Phoenix and allowing the forgotten, opportunistic IIconics to sneak in and win the titles all made for a smart match that utilized its pieces to perfection and kept the audience engaged. Unfortunately, it feels unlikely that Ryder and Hawkins' run will be a long one. Kofi Kingston's 11-year journey culminated in a WWE Championship opportunity against "The Planet's Champion" Daniel Bryan, Triple H's legendary career was on the line against former protegee Batista, and Kurt Angle wrestled his farewell match against the hated Baron Corbin. He missed, and Corbin followed with End of Days, pinning Angle clean in the center of the ring and silencing the crowd. After learning the truth about Dolph Ziggler and Sonya Deville’s misdoings, … HE. McIntyre flattened Reigns with a reverse spinebuster, then cut off another opportunity for The Big Dog to create some separation. He launched himself over the guardrail and onto his opponent, hammering away with a series of lefts to the head. He followed up with an inverted spike rana. It was a good night for the good guys (and The Man) at WrestleMania 35. After minutes of the champion obliterating Rollins around the ringside area, the bell rang and Lesnar welcomed the challenger to Suplex City. An alert referee made the count and Shane-O-Mac was declared the winner. Lynch broke it up but was driven back into the guardrail. No Holds Barred MatchTriple H vs. BatistaWenn Triple H verliert, ist seine aktive Karriere vorbei.Sieger: Triple HTriple H gewann nach einem Schlag mit dem Sledgehammer und einem Pedigree. BEAST SLAYER! Kingston, though, was the star. Promising a huge musical performance at WrestleMania, Elias took center stage Sunday night and introduced...himself, on drums. Rousey bumped all over, Flair and Lynch turned in two more stellar performances, and the fans bought in with every passing minute. The King of Kings laughed his actions off while Batista scurried to the protection of the floor. Otis def. It was filmed on March 25 and 26, 2020 and broadcast as a two-night event on April 4 and 5, marking the first time the event was broadcast over two nights as well as aired on tape … April 2020) ausgestrahlt worden. Ascacibar mit verbalem Aussetzer im Berlin-Derby 0:58 min. WrestleMania 35 im MetLife Stadium von New Jersey lieferte vergangene Nacht das, was nur WrestleMania kann: Eine riesige Show, Nostalgie pur und jede … There were some clever spots and some fun interactions, but this was like any other Battle Royal, and that's not necessarily a compliment. A focused, methodical and cerebral attack on The Phenomenal One ensued. At ringside, Rowan rocked Big E and Xavier Woods until Trouble Paradise by Kingston stunned him. Rousey dominated early, booting Lynch to the floor and delivering Piper's Pit to Flair at ringside. Lynch defeated Rousey and Flair to win both the Raw and SmackDown Women's Championships. Styles withstood an early onslaught by Orton to deliver a forearm smash on the arena floor. All Superstars unloaded with their finishers or signature maneuvers, including a big Brogue Kick from Sheamus that turned Ricochet inside out. Carmella warf als Letztes Sarah Logan raus. Selbstverständlich ist jeder Wrestlemania 35 ergebnisse jederzeit bei zu haben und gleich lieferbar. Superstars with nothing else better to do, including The Hardy Boyz, Andrade, Jinder Mahal, Ali, Bobby Roode and Chad Gable, joined Saturday Night Live's Colin Jost and Michael Che and Braun Strowman for the annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. WrestleMania 35 was the 35th annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event and WWE Network event produced by WWE for their Raw, SmackDown, and 205 Live brand divisions. Running across the announce tables, The Game delivered a spear that drove Batista through the German announce table for a big pop. He set up a pair of ring steps on one announce table and tried for a Batista Bomb through another table, but Triple H back-body-dropped The Animal. It took place on April 7, 2019, at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Timing was an issue late, as it felt like the women were rushing to get certain spots in, and the finish—casting doubt on Lynch's victory by questioning whether Rousey's shoulders were down—could have been better. Cue the "whatcha gonna do...?" WWE WrestleMania 35 – Ergebnisse und Bericht Empfehlung WrestleMania 35: Matches und Ergebnisse. Back in the ring, Sane delivered her elbow drop to Logan. Kingston kicked his way out but missed a corner charge and was stomped into the canvas. He delivered the Skull-Crushing Finale to the boss' son but could still only keep him down for two. As usual, the cruiserweights put in the work, delivering a match far better than the reception and reaction would indicate. This is why people invest emotionally in wrestling. Dass Daniel Bryan im gleichen Atemzug als Heel-Champion zu Mania fährt, das ist das andere. Unser Team an Produkttestern hat unterschiedliche Hersteller ausführlichst verglichen und wir präsentieren Ihnen als Leser hier alle Ergebnisse des Tests. Roman Reigns battled Drew McIntyre in only the second Raw match of the night. WrestleMania 36 was the 36th annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view and WWE Network event produced by WWE for their Raw, SmackDown, and NXT brand divisions— the first to promote the NXT brand. WrestleMania XXXV was the 35th annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by WWE, it took place on April 8, 2019 at the Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Rousey reappeared and broke the submission up. Kingston unloaded with back elbows, creating separation and allowing himself a moment to catch his breath. Some will look at the Usos' victory as more of the same old, same old, but they have been as consistently great as any other act in WWE over the last year, through ups and downs creatively, and they earned the right to leave a WrestleMania with their arms raised in victory. (07.04.19) 8. Long Island Iced Z broke out of an armbar and sent Wilder into the corner. Lynch returned to the squared circle and delivered a double DDT for a two count on both women. He countered a side kick into an inverted suplex for two. Bereits am Freitag des WrestleMania Weekends steigt NXT TakeOver: New York - zur Card. WWE WrestleMania 32 Ort: AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas, USA Datum: 03. The 450 splash followed, but the challenger could not put the Aussie away. He tried for a top rope side suplex, but Kingston elbowed out and delivered a big splash to the back of the champion. The clean win would suggest the former, but with no obvious path for either in the wake of this event, it would behoove all involved to let them wage war on at least one more pay-per-view presentation. What could have been a cool-down match had the fans invested by the end and the finish obviously caught them off-guard. With Kingston prone, Bryan held his arms and stomped away at his face, relentless in his quest to preserve his title reign. April) – Nacht eins: ... Bei WrestleMania 35 mussten Fans (Pre-Show … Ist größer aber gleichzeitig auch immer besser? Like most of Triple H's WrestleMania matches, this was way too long. Main Show. Được tổ chức tại East Rutherford, New Jersey vào ngày 7 tháng 4 năm 2019. WrestleMania is The Showcase of the Immortals, and Sunday night, live from MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, the stars of WWE battled for championships, bragging rights and their legacies in some of the most hotly anticipated matches of the year. The greatest spectacle in wrestling is here to burn through 7 hours of your Sunday. April 2019 im Überblick. Former friends clashed over the top prize on 205 Live, as Buddy Murphy defended the Cruiserweight Championship against Tony Nese to kick off the WrestleMania 35 festivities. WWE Wrestlemania 35: Alle Ergebnisse vom 7. The finish may feel like a cop-out, but it was a clever one that will allow McMahon to continue touting his status as the Best in the World while further fueling Miz to seek revenge in a later match. The match took a minute or two to get moving, but once it did, it was a smartly wrestled match that relied heavily on counters and reversals before Styles simply proved better than his opponent. Meistgesehene Videos. If that is the case, why not scrap the match or find a replacement for Joe, like Ali? Back in the ring, Lashley tried for a powerbomb, but The Demon unloaded with a series of elbows to break free. Mysterio remained resilient, though, and delivered a headscissors into the ropes and a 619 that grounded Joe. Die WWE WrestleMania 35 war die 35. der jährlichen WrestleMania-Großveranstaltungen, die als Pay-per-View und im WWE Network von der World Wrestling Entertainment ausgestrahlt wurde. It was his own devices, a high-risk dive off the top rope, that ended with him crashing sternum-first into the announce table. Update vom 16. Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson made quick, frequent tags as they downed and isolated Ryder from Hawkins. History was made at the top of the card, where Charlotte Flair, Ronda Rousey and Becky Lynch clashed in a Triple Threat Winner-Take-All match for the Raw and SmackDown Women's Championships. Edge, WWE Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre and More! A Spanish Fly from the top rope led to another quality near-fall. Kingston was ready for everything, countering anything Bryan threw at him. (07.04.19) 8. Batista tried for a superplex, but Triple H slid out and delivered a nasty powerbomb onto the steel steps, which The Animal had introduced in the squared circle. He followed with a draping DDT. (Wrestling Podcast Deutsch) SmackDown champion Flair arrived in style, landing outside the stadium in a helicopter, not unlike her Hall of Fame father Ric during the legendary 1985 Great American Bash. D-Generation X (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chyna, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn und X-Pac), The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart und Jim „The Anvil“ Neidhart), Schon gelesen? 80 000 Fans feiern im Metlife Stadium die größte Wrestling-Party des Jahres. Raw … For the first time in his storied career, Samoa Joe took to the WrestleMania stage Sunday, defending his United States Championship against Rey Mysterio. Congratulations to Corbin, though, who remains poised to be one of the company's lead villains in the aftermath of WrestleMania. WrestleMania 35 im MetLife Stadium von New Jersey lieferte vergangene Nacht das, was nur WrestleMania kann: Eine riesige Show, Nostalgie pur und jede … Du suchst nur die Card und die Vorberichte oder willst mehr über die Storys, Hintergründe und Entwicklungen erfahren? Preceding the finish and everything surrounding it, it felt long and oddly booked, but when looking at the entire presentation as a whole, it was a beautiful bit of storytelling that led to an infinitely better match than anyone expected. NFL Nach WrestleMania 35 gab Batista sein Wrestling-Karriereende bekannt. WrestleMania 35 hostess Alexa Bliss kicked off the show by admitting, with a snap of her fingers, she could control the fate of the show. NFL The outcome was the right one given the story in place as Nese moves out of Murphy's shadow and proves he can hang with the best cruiserweights in the world. April 2019 im Überblick. John Cena, in full Doctor of Thuganomics garb, made his way to the ring. Now the aggressor, Triple H retrieved his coveted sledgehammer from underneath the ring and fully intended to use it. An arrogant Murphy tried to mock his former friend's Running Nese finisher but found himself superkicked. A frog splash by Banks netted only a two-count. Main Show. In front of a capacity crowd of 82,265 at MetLife Stadium, Becky Lynch triumphed in a Winner Take All Match to capture both the Raw and SmackDown Women's Titles, Kofi Kingston finally won his very first WWE Championship by defeating Daniel Bryan , and Seth Rollins conquered "The Beast" Brock Lesnar to … His title reign may not be a long one, particularly with Mike Kanellis gaining momentum on the show, but it was a nice moment for a guy who has been around 205 Live since the beginning. Falls Count Anywhere MatchShane McMahon vs. Mit den ersten WWE-Matches geht es ab 23 Uhr deutscher Zeit los. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins sought to live their childhood dreams Sunday, when they challenged The Revival for the Raw Tag Team Championships in the third of four Kickoff Show matches. @BeckyLynchWWE just made HISTORY! WWE WrestleMania muss ein Zwei-Tages-Event werden – ein Kommentar, Auch interessant: NXT TakeOver: New York - Ergebnisse und Kurz-Bericht. WrestleMania 35 is in the books and here are results, match grades and major takeaways from the event. Damit endete Hawkins' enorme Losing Streak von 269 Niederlagen am Stück. The historic first women's main event had the feel of a big match, featured three women beating the unholy hell out of each other and provided fans the outcome they desired. He's not wrong. He delivered a Samoan Drop on the floor. With that said, Hawkins' story has been one of the low-key highlights of the WWE product for a long time. Meanwhile, The Riott Squad teamed up and eliminated The Ravishing Russian. He is a class act, a Superstar who has never shied away from putting others over. A relentless, ferocious Lashley was unleashed from the opening bell. Tony Nese besiegteBuddy Murphy (c) nach dem Running Kneese. After several minutes of action that put Ricochet and Black on the defensive, all eight competitors engaged in a Tower of Doom spot that ended with everyone down except The One and Only, who almost landed on his feet. Reigns delivered a big clothesline and teased the Superman Punch. Bryan refused to release his grip on Kingston, to which the challenger responded by returning the favor with those stiff and unapologetic kicks to the face. Back in the ring, an arrogant Dawson toyed with Hawkins, who scored a small package rollup from out of nowhere to end his 269-match losing streak and win the tag team titles.
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