Radio Swiss Pop online from Basel, Switzerland. The program reaches over 800,000 people across Switzerland every day. Settings for Radio Swiss Pop: Satellite: EUTELSAT HOT BIRD 13B; Orbital position: 13° E; Transponder: 123; Standard: DVB-S2 (8PSK) Frequency: 10.971 GHz; FEC: 2/3; Polarisation: horizontal; Symbol rate: 29.700Msym/s; Service Name: Swiss Pop; Service ID: 17235; Audio PID/PCR: 225; Channel mode: Stereo; Receiver digital DVB-S2 receiver; Support At the same time, the number of music download providers has significantly increased in recent years. When choosing the tracks to play, our music programmers observe strict format requirements, which we have drawn up on the basis of countless listener surveys and auditorium tests. This may relate to the performer or the composer. The station was launched in 1999 (as DRS Virus) and is broadcast on cable and DAB+ in German-speaking Switzerland as well as throughout Europe on satellite and worldwide via the Internet. Data-Privacy Otherwise reception will unfortunately no longer be possible. It is a Pop and rock music radio station. Pop and Rock. Pop and Rock. Owing to the large number of requests and tips, we cannot respond to all the enquiries that we receive. We have therefore decided not to favour a particular supplier by including a direct link. Colour codes on this channel page: C band: Ku band | SD/clear: SD/encrypted: HD/clear: HD/encrypted The detailed information on the titles and albums on our website (including label and order number details) are so comprehensive that available sound storage media can be directly ordered from online retailers. If you use the app, you will activate the aacPlus stream at 32 kbps as standard. CH-8052 Zürich, Hotline +41 (0)848 868 969 The daily news from Switzerland as read live on the WRS Breakfast Show . Our station doesn’t have any presenters or advertising, so the way in which we identify the station on air tends to stand out more. However, only a small proportion of our listeners – those with the corresponding hi fi equipment – will be able to benefit from the marginal improvement in sound quality. Radio Swiss Pop is the perfect soundtrack for everyday life. Impressum The number of sound storage media orders via our playlist and delivery by corresponding trade partners has fallen significantly in recent years. We do not offer a requests show. Click here to cancel reply. 24 Stunden am Tag. For more information, please visit If you click on «Start the radio» or listen via the external player on our website you will receive Radio Swiss Pop in mp3 format and at a quality of 128 kbps. There are also various options for retrofitting VHF radios with DAB+ technology. When updates are carried out to the operating systems of smartphones and tablets, all app providers need a certain amount of time to update their apps accordingly. Navigation. We recommend the «TuneIn» radio app as an alternative for Windows Phone users. From 2016, in order to receive our programme via Eutelsat Hotbird satellite, you need a DVB-S2-compatible receiver. Senti Come Suona! Please ask your dealer or garage mechanic. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. With DAB+, stations are not allocated a frequency in the conventional sense. No commercials and no talks. We have compiled an FAQ list of questions we frequently receive on similar topics grouped by subject. Mit Radio Swiss Jazz online Jazz Standards, Swing, Bebop, Soul und Blues hören. Radio Swiss Pop: Ger: M Gusset D Shimoni D Lita Z Viglidán P Alarud 210309: 17236: Radio Swiss Jazz: Ger: M Gusset D Shimoni D Lita Z Viglidán P Alarud 210309: 17237: Radio SRF 4 News: Ger: M Gusset D Shimoni D Lita Z Viglidán P Alarud 210309: 17239: Radio Swiss Classic Français: Fre: M Gusset D Shimoni D Lita Z Viglidán P Alarud 210309: 17240: Radio SRF 1 Aargau Solothurn: Ger: M Gusset D … Ohne Werbung, Ohne Moderation. Postfach 128 Radio 24 104.45 Bayern 1 92.75 Radio 1 93.90 Bayern 3 94.95 Radio Top (Reg. In view of the very rapid pace of technical progress, a gradual increase in streaming quality is likely in the medium term, but no definite plans have yet been made. With DAB+, stations are not allocated a frequency in the conventional sense. Radio Swiss Pop Delightful to the of Radio Swiss Pop. No adverts. Ohne Werbung und Moderation verbreitet Radio Swiss Pop rund um die Uhr gute Laune. In addition, an increasing number of titles in our range are no longer available on physical sound storage media. Songs Pure. ONLINE ONLY: Save the activation fee instead of paying CHF 99 + 100-day cancellation policy. In view of the low market share occupied by the Microsoft operating system (as at September 2014), we do not offer a dedicated app for Windows Phone. DVB satellite reception is free. The UPC Giganet: Now at a super bargain price! Our format concentrates on the Music of the past 40 years, with an emphasis on melodic, catchy pop music, and a schedule made up of 50% Swiss music. Impressum Radio Swiss Pop is a music programme provided by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR. Swiss News Pod. Of course, we also consider classics from the 60s and 70s, although they tend to be played a little less often. This guarantees that the programme has a good mix. From 1956 to 1998 Radio Swiss Pop was a special program of the existing Swiss telephone broadcast. MORE SPEED. No advertisements and no discussions. Internships are unfortunately not possible at our station. For information on installing a DVB-S2 receiver system, go to (German). Swiss classic CH-CLASS 107.60 Swiss jazz CH-JAZZ 104.60 Swiss pop CH-POP 104.30 SWR 1 BW SWR 1 93.50 SWR 2 SWR 2 93.80 SWR 3 SWR 3 97.40 Ausgabe Januar 2020 / Programm- und Frequenzänderung vorbehalten UKW-RADIO-PROGRAMME 13K likes. Tune in now live from Berne, Switzerland and enjoy great music. Music Pure. Streaming via the app isn’t working. Our station is not broadcast via FM, but rather on the digital DAB+ network. To receive digital radio programmes such as Radio Swiss Pop, Radio Swiss Jazz or Radio Swiss Classic, a DAB+ … Order now Order now Order now. Radio Swiss Pop - 12:40: Abba - Money, Money, Money: 12:38: Dominic Stadler - Free: 12:35: Laura Pausini - Vivimi: 12:34: Radio Swiss Pop - 12:30: Empire Of The Sun - We Are The People: 12:26: Melissa Lischer - Color Explosions: 12:23: Fox and Bones - A Changing Of The Guard: 12:23: Radio Swiss Pop - 12:19 Fernsehstrasse 1-4 Listen to Radio Swiss Pop anywhere with digital radio! There are over 4,500 different songs in Radio Swiss Pop’s current programme. Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10 Team (Surface Hub), HoloLens, Xbox One. Radio Swiss Pop, Basel. The station fulfils this part of its remit by ensuring that around 50% of the music we play originates from Switzerland. Ascolta la radio in live streaming, Riascolta i programmi in Podcast, Ascolta i canali tematici gratuiti senza parlato e pubblicità #RFT Name. Mit Radio Swiss Jazz online Jazz Standards, Swing, Bebop, Soul und Blues hören. No DJs. To listen to our station in the car, you need a DAB+ car radio, or a car radio with internet reception. Swiss Pop Radio Swiss Radio Online Free Download APK Free ... Morska obala krvarenje konsenzus radio swiss pop playlist ... Radio Swiss Classic – Wikipedia. Media Services «CH» indicates that the piece played has a link to Switzerland. Listen Again. Radio SRF Virus is a radio station from Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF). CONTACTS: Address: Novarastrasse 2, 4002, Basel Phone: … Keine Wiederholungen und so bunt wie das Leben zeigt sich die Vielseitigkeit unseres Programms. INTERNET 600 Mbit/s. On the other hand, you are obliged to follow your country’s rules for licence fees in public areas in order to protect the artists’ copyrights. Radio Swiss Pop war ein spezielles Programm des von 1956 bis 1998 existierenden Schweizer Telefonrundspruchs. You may find the answer to your question here. However, if you click on «HQ» at the bottom of the app, you can switch to the aacPlus stream at 96 kbps and thus enjoy a higher level of quality. Welcome to the of Radio Swiss Pop. Radio Swiss Pop ist der perfekte Soundtrack für den Alltag. The app is available from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. CHF 39 /mth. Radio Swiss Pop is one of Switzerland’s pioneers in digital radio. Our iPhone app will also work on your iPad, but to find the app itself, you will have to remove the «iPad» filter in the App Store. This is unfortunately also the case with us and is unavoidable. If you have any technical questions or reception problems, please contact the help desk at the SRG SSR Distribution Service Center: SRG SSR Heute wird es von der Sparte Swiss Satellite Radio der SRG SSR, der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalt der Schweiz, betrieben. Our 96kbps AAC+ stream offers a slightly better-quality sound, if you would like to try it. We’re always happy to receive non-binding suggestions in writing at the email address Pop, Switzerland Radio Station, Radio Swiss Pop Online Pop and rock. Pop und Rock. WRS. Home ... Swiss News Pod. It is playing 24 hours a day. Listen pop music and top 40 in this radio station. 7 607 Radio Swiss Pop 302 742 RSR Couleur 3 8 608 Radio Swiss Classic 303 743 RSR Option Musique 9 609 Radio Swiss Jazz 310 744 France Inter 10 610 Radio Rumantsch 311 745 France Info 20 611 Radio 105 312 746 France Bleu 21 612 Radio 1 313 747 France Culture 40 640 Bayern 1 314 748 France Musique 41 641 Bayern 2 321 751 Voltage Winterthur) 102.80 Bayern 4 Klassik 95.65 Radio Top Two 98.90 Klassik Radio 97.95 Radio Swiss Pop 106.95 RSI 1 (Rete 1) 105.85 VIRUS 105.40 RSI 2 (Rete 2) 94.20 Radio Swiss Jazz 100.75 RSI 3 (Rete 3) 99.45 Radio Swiss Classic 90.60 Radio Rumantsch 87.95 Jazz Tag und Nacht. instead of 69/mth. | Improving streaming quality means that we will need more bandwidth for each station, and that means much higher costs. Welcome to the official Facebook page of Radio Swiss Pop. | Toggle Menu. 705 Radio SRF 1 AG 706 Radio SRF 1 LU 707 Radio SRF 1 SG 708 Radio SRF 1 GR 709 Radio SRF 2 Kultur 710 Radio SRF 3 711 Radio SRF 4 News 712 Radio SRF Musikwelle 713 Radio SRF Virus 714 Swiss Pop 715 Swiss Classic 716 Swiss Jazz 717 Radio Rumantsch 718 Radio Freiburg 719 Canal 3 D 720 Radio Bern1 721 Energy Bern 722 Radio RaBe 723 Radio BeO 724 Radio neo1 725 Radio 32 24 hours a day. Email. After an automatic station search on your radio, you’ll find us under the name «Swiss Pop+».
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