“We will be pooling our resources, benefiting from the many different perspectives and aiming to implement our CR projects more quickly ad efficiently. Têlevizyoni. About us Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland is the leading German provider of video content. Together with Co-CEO Guillaume de … On 25 September 2019, Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland announced the launch of VOXup on 1 December 2019, a spin-off of VOX, which is particularly successful with women.[4]. From April 2012 to April 2017, Anke Schäferkordt was additionally Co-CEO of RTL Group. Both companies will place a special focus on addressable TV, combining the high reach of linear TV with the targeting solutions of digital advertising. Mit ÖPNV. 05.03.2021, Germany, Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland. Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland is acquiring the 50-percent stake in Super RTL held by The Walt Disney Company, thereby increasing its stake in Super RTL to 100 percent. A new, extensive Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland and Sky Deutschland partnership for streaming and content. "WIR" wird bei uns groß geschrieben! Read more. ”, © Oliver Fahlbusch, Executive Vice President Communications & Investor Relations of RTL Group. In free-TV RTL, VOX, n-tv, NITRO, RTLplus and NOW US as well as our shareholdings in SUPER RTL and RTL II have made us into the … The media industry has faced many challenges over the last year due to the ongoing sanitary crisis. The aim of both initiatives is to benefit from various perspectives on these topics and implement projects more quickly and efficiently. Deutsche Telekom and Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland have also agreed to increase cooperation in advertising technology, advertising sales and content. ᐅ Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland in 50679 Köln. In an era that is dominated by fake news, climate change and debates on racism, it is unsurprising that corporate responsibility has taken on a heightened importance. So entstehen die Bewegtbildinhalte, die Deutschland vor die Screens locken. The aim of both initiatives is to benefit from various perspectives on these topics and implement projects more quickly and efficiently. We reach our audience via various platforms - on TV, online, mobile and via audio. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland: Public domain Public domain false false: This logo image consists only of simple geometric shapes or text. We are the Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland - the local hero with strong brands and a clear focus on self-produced content that inspires people. On September 1, 2010, RTL digitaltext (digital version of the teletext offer) was launched, followed by n-tv at the beginning of 2012, VOX in mid-2012 and RTL II in April 2013. In a changing landscape, the market has been forced to adapt. Last month, MadFest // Anywhere revealed the latest trends that are set to impact both the media and advertising landscapes. From January 2020 the collaboration will be considerably expanded. Hısaya cı pêroy RTL Group dest derê. Get our latest news from Europe and the US at the click of a button. joint venture with Pressefunk Nordrhein-Westfalen and. RTL Group is a … Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland is a German media group, a wholly owned subsidiary of RTL Group (itself a subsidiary of locally based Bertelsmann), which owns several television channels in Germany. Telefon: +49 (0)221/456-70 Verantwortlich für den Inhalt i.S.d. This increases TV Now’s potential … Track . The Force’s first meeting revealed the ways to measure carbon footprint and the Bertelsmann-wide offsetting projects. Bernd Reichart, CEO of Mediengruppe RTL, and Claude Schmit, Managing Director of Super RTL, personally informed the team of the children's channel during a virtual live meeting this morning. joint venture with Mediengruppe Dr. Haas. Since its establishment in 2001, it has rated companies on environmental, social, and governance criteria (ESG rating). The offer shows high-quality documentation. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, yew gruba medyaya dewleta Almanyaya. Hier sind wir jeden Tag mit viel Kreativität und Unternehmertum bei der Sache. 43 boulevard Pierre Frieden 1543 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. joint venture with Amperwelle Studio München Programmanbietergesellschaft. Ad Alliance and Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland launch ‘Click and Collect’ campaign, German Audio Alliance breaks record for monthly usage, TV Key Facts puts cross-media measurement under the microscope, Euro 2021 brings advertisers into the heart of the action, MadFest // Anywhere brings us the latest media trends. European Union (EU) Broadcasting Companies . Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland sets records across its digital offer The Webinar Series continues with a guide to Addressable TV On March 10, RTL AdConnect will guide you through the Addressable TV landscape and its recent developments in Europe with an exclusive webinar. With this in mind, RTL Group and Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland have pooled their expertise in the corporate responsibility landscape together by founding the ‘RTL CR Board’ and the ‘Climate Task Force’. 2 MStV: Kerstin Jaumann, Konstantin von Stechow. This channel was dedicated for Germans living abroad. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland is a provider of video content. The first tests in 2021 will be based on RTL Group’s ad-tech solutions, Smartclip and … Tool Box TV Key Facts VMP Media offer Solutions Insights About us Careers News Contact. Lernt hier die #mgrtl kennen: unsere Arbeit, innovative Projekte & spannende Events | Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland is the leading German provider of video content. Lists Featuring This Company. We are the Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland - the local hero with strong brands and a clear focus on self-produced content that inspires people. Deutsche Telekom and Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland have also agreed to increase co-operation in advertising technology, advertising sales and … joint venture with Tele München Fernseh, Heinrich Bauer Verlag and Burda. The CR Board is made up of executives from both entities, including Julia Reuter, Managing Director Strategy, Human Resources and Culture of Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland; Oliver Fahlbusch, Executive Vice President Communications & Investor Relations of RTL Group; Anja Reichert, Head of Corporate Responsibility & Diversity Coordination of RTL Group; and Marie-Fee Taube, Director Sustainability of Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland. In free-TV RTL, VOX, n-tv, NITRO, RTLplus and NOW US as well as our shareholdings in SUPER RTL and RTL … joint venture with Rheinland-Pfälzische Rundfunk. Picassoplatz 1, 50679 Köln +49 (0) 221 / 456-0 Route berechnen. History []. During this time, Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland has systematically expanded its portfolio of linear TV channels and digital services, and has more than tripled its operating profit (EBITA) from €240 million (2005) to more than €700 million (2017: €725 million). Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland was created in 2007 by RTL Group as an umbrella brand grouping all its audiovisual activities (except radio) in Germany. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland GmbH Geschäftsführer: Bernd Reichart (Vorsitzender), Matthias Dang, Alexander Glatz, Julia Reuter, Stephan Schäfer Sitz der Gesellschaft: Köln Amtsgericht Köln, HR B 62896 USt.-ID: DE 814 967 412. Moreover, RTL Group is addressing environmental issues across the Group’s portfolio by launching its ‘Climate Task Force’, the Group-wide working group that will exchange views on specific environmental targets. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland | 13,645 followers on LinkedIn. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland was created in 2007 by RTL Group as an umbrella brand grouping all its audiovisual activities (except radio) in Germany. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland’s streaming service TV Now will be available via the all-in-one platform Sky Q from mid of 2021. Mit der Straßenbahn Linie 1 Richtung … RTL International was launched on January 18, 2016. We reach our audience via various platforms - on TV, online, mobile and via audio. The fourth pay-TV channel of Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland is being created in cooperation with the Gruner + Jahr magazine GEO. joint venture with Axel Springer, Heinrich Bauer Verlag, Lühmanndruck Harburger Zeitungsgesellschaft and Morgenpost Verlag. On May 31, 2017, RTL International ceased broadcasting. We reach our audience via various platforms - on TV, online, mobile and via audio. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland GmbH. Adresse | ☎ Telefonnummer | 28 Bewertungen Bei Gelbeseiten.de ansehen. The collaboration between the two group’s sat on the board has been simplified by the recent opening of RTL Group’s Corporate Centre in Cologne, which is where Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland’s headquarters are. TV Now Premium available to Sky Q customers. Und als echtes Powerhouse produzieren wir das Meiste davon einfach selbst. On September 26, 2011, the Picassoplatz in Cologne-Deutz was inaugurated as the new address of Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland. The aim is to reduce CO2 emissions to such an extent that the Group is climate-neutral by 2030, which is also in line with Bertelsmann’s targets. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland is the leading German provider of video content. joint venture with Verlagsgesellschaft Madsack, Studio Gong Niedersachsen and Brune-Rieck-Beteiligungs. We are the Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland - the local hero with strong brands and a clear focus on self-produced content that inspires people. We are the Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland - the local hero with strong brands and a clear focus on self-produced content that inspires people. An annual international exchange between relevant CR managers across the RTL CR Network has also been set up so that Group-wide projects may be coordinated more efficiently. Previously, the station had shared a dual license with dctp. We reach our audience via various platforms - on TV, online, mobile and via audio. The Group's free TV channels, digital specialty channels, IP Deutschland, Cologne Broadcasting Center (CBC) and RTL Interactive, the subsidiary responsible for the diversification of supply digital services, depend on the new group whose ambition is to be present on all screens, whether television, computer or mobile phones. "Firmendaten Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland GmbH", RTL Buys Film and TV Content From Disney, Handelsblatt Reports, "VOXup - Mediengruppe RTL gründet neuen TV-Sender", CBC – Cologne Broadcasting Center GmbH – technisches Sendezentrum der RTL Deutschland Gruppe, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mediengruppe_RTL_Deutschland&oldid=1001357562, Companies based in North Rhine-Westphalia, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Articles with German-language sources (de), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, RTL West (Cologne, 75%, further 25% holds, This page was last edited on 19 January 2021, at 09:46. Cologne Broadcasting Center (CBC) performs the playout. In free-TV RTL, VOX, n-tv, RTL NITRO and RTLplus as well as our shareholdings in SUPER RTL and RTL II have made us into the most successful private television broadcaster. Herzlich willkommen bei der Mediengruppe RTL – einem Ort mit flachen Hierarchien, viel Spaß bei der Arbeit und jeder Menge Team-Spirit. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland offers free TV channels, pay TV channels, online services, mobile TV channels and program production services. The transaction is subject to … It does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain. M7 Deutschland is expanding its channel line-up with three pay-TV services from German broadcaster Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland. January 1, 2011, VOX received a sole broadcasting license for a full program. 788 Number of Organizations • $2B Total Funding Amount • 194 Number of Investors. The Group's free TV channels, digital specialty channels, IP Deutschland, Cologne Broadcasting Center (CBC) and RTL Interactive, the subsidiary responsible for the diversification of supply digital services, depend on the new group whose ambition is to be present on all screens, whether television, computer or mobile phones. Former assets Defunct: Switzerland: RTL/ProSieben Schweiz6 | Poland: RTL7 | India: Big RTL Thrill | France: DIC Entertainment | United States: LBS Communications, Inc. 7 Divested: United Kingdom:8 Channel 5, 5USA and 5Star | Greece: Alpha TV and 902 TV | Southeast Asia:9 RTL CBS Entertainment (HD) and RTL CBS Extreme (HD) | Russia: Ren TV | Luxembourg: RTL911 Notes: 1Joint venture with … This year, RTL Group is once again a member of the “FTSE4Good Index Series”, a market-leading sustainability tool for investors. On January 31, 2012, RTL Group signed a three-year contract with Walt Disney Studios Distribution[2] to broadcast films from the Disney catalog in Germany on the channels of Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland.[3]. Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland has been relying on Reuters content (photos, real time news, video) for many years. The shareholder of Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland is RTL Group, a global leader across broadcast, content and digital. With this in mind, RTL Group and Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland have pooled their expertise in the corporate responsibility landscape together by founding the ‘RTL CR Board’ and the ‘Climate Task Force’. § 18 Abs. The biggest talking point of the event was that Google was planning to... Europe’s biggest international football tournament, the Euros, is set to take place this summer, a year after it was originally scheduled to begin. They meet monthly to exchange ideas on how to cooperate on operational work for corporate responsibility topics across the Group, such as diversity, climate protection, editorial independence and youth protection.
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