little nightmares the pretender

The CraftsmanThe Butler 1 Synopsis 2 Her Evil Ranking 2.1 What Makes Her Close To Being Pure Evil? Other information Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Physical description The Girl in The Yellow Raincoat & Mono (Little Nightmares) (1) The Girl in The Yellow Raincoat & The Runaway Kid (Little Nightmares) (1) The Girl in The Yellow Raincoat & Six (Little Nightmares) (1) The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat & The Pretender (Little Nightmares) (1) Boy (LIMBO) & Siblings (Hollow Knight) (1) Include Additional Tags little nightmares little nightmares 2 very little nightmares six mono the runaway kid the raincoat girl the pretender there's not enough fanart with the pretender shame 357 notes Open in app Began to chase The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat in a attempt to kill her for seemingly no reason. He uses his abilities to preform the man chores and tasks of The Nest, and to catch any unwanted pests that he finds trespassing. The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat & The Pretender (Little Nightmares) (1) Mono & Six & Original Character(s) (1) Include Additional Tags Alternate Universe (5) Spoilers (4) Fluff and Angst (4) Humor (3) Angst (3) Character Death (3) Self-Indulgent (3) Little Nightmares II Spoilers (3) The Pretender appears to be a young child no taller than The Girl in the Yellow Raincoat. Her bangs completely cover her eyes. Character Synopsis. It's highly possible that The Pretender forced The Craftsman to kidnap children, murder them, and turn them into dolls. And anything that’s not her toy doesn’t last long in her nursery. She is a tyrannical child who likes to play with her "dolls". Unlike other enemies, the Pretender runs the same way as the girl in the yellow raincoat, so she will never catch up with her, unless she stops. Character Statistics. She has a collection of dolls that are made from the flesh of children. Relatives Allies But when it DOES try, that’s when the real fun begins.Twitter description. Powers/Skills Enforcement (mass murder; kidnapping) MurderEnslavement She then begins to partake in a long chase down a ledge after the girl. Young She's later seen outside on a bench with the ripped apart doll crying, before she spots Yellow Raincoat girl, watching her and screams. Appearances It all leads to finale, where the Yellow Raincoat girl is cornered by the Pretender and Six crushes her with a boulder. Presumably deceased In one scene, The Pretender is shown yelling at a doll and dragging it outside, but later on she is shown on a bench crying over it while it's broken, this implies that she felt remorse for breaking it and might actually care about her dolls. They can't remember anything about themself but they can see the story which would happen without them. Possible parents She is not wearing anything under her yellow raincoat. The Pretender is the final inhabitant of the Nest and served as the main antagonist of Very Little Nightmares. Despite there being dozens of frames of other children and even the (implied) parents of the girl hung all around the place. Little Nightmares Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Alias The Pretender is the main and final antagonist of the mobile puzzle game: " Very Little Nightmares ". This is supported by the fact that the Pretender can frequently be seen conversing with dolls and staging them in different locations around, The name may also be a reference to the aristocratic definition of pretender, which is "a person who claims or aspires to a title or position". Enforcing the murder of hundreds of children to turn them into dolls. Monstrous Humanoid: In the end of Little Nightmares II she is revealed to have been transformed into a massive, monstrous version of herself as the Final Boss. "Mature Content Warning!" ‎This article contains some content involving a mature subject or situation and may not be suitable for younger viewers. This pint-sized lady of the Nest loves her playthings. She wears a white mask reminiscent of Japanese Noh masks. Doing so prompted Six to aid the little girl by dropping a bolder on The Pretender, but it only temporarily knocked her out and broke the ledge that they were standing on. Action Girl: The girl in the yellow raincoat braves the Nest in order to escape and is clever enough to solve the puzzles to get out. The Pretender is a major antagonist of the Little Nightmares franchise, being the main antagonist of Very Little Nightmares. She is encountered at the end of the game and appears in level 16 and 18. 1 Appearance 2 Summary 3 Possible Theories 4 Trivia. The Pretender dragging one of her dolls outside. He has long white hair and long arms (though not as long as the Janitor's) that end with four fingered hands with dark nails. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Very Little Nightmares. Despite there being dozens of frames of other children and even the (implied) parents of the girl hung all around the place. This page was last edited on 14 February 2020, at 03:52. He is a Butler whom has telekinetic abilities. It turns out that The Maw is a place that appears in a different area every year, loads up with eager visitors and heads out to an undisclosed location in the ocean. Age Most fans of the game believe that the story revolves around The Pretender, who is a villain in the Very Little Nightmares Game. you can request LN stuff if you'd like little nightmares little nightmares 2 very little nightmares six mono the runaway kid the lady the thin man the pretender meme shitpost little nightmares 2 spoilers They both fall down into the waters below and the Pretender successfully disintegrates and kills the Yellow Raincoat girl underwater, and possibly also dies herself. Status The Pretender is a major antagonist of the Little Nightmares franchise, being the main antagonist of Very Little Nightmares. She wears a green Victorian era dress with white ends. The Pretender wants something she'll never get to have. Pretender only reaches the thighs of her parents. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She belongs elsewhere. The Nest is the main location in Very Little Nightmares where all the gameplay takes place. Very Little Nightmares Tropes appearing in Very Little Nightmares:. Moral Event Horizon Like other children, the girl is very short and barefoot. She's so serious about it in fact, that when the Yellow Raincoat Girl tips a doll off the table in order to reach the other side of the room, the girl drags her into the main hall and yells at her. At the end of Little Nightmares, players discovered that the game took place on a floating man-made island called The Maw. Aliases The Pretender could be the daughter of the Hanging man we find aboard the Maw (apparently the shoes and pants match a picture in the Nest) and her Mother could be the Teacher in little nightmares 2 (again, shoes and skirt that match on picture). The Pretender from Little Nightmares Wiki, In order to make up for her loneliness, she has the dolls made of the children set up around tea parties and banquets in order to give herself the illusion of company. DisintegrationSuper scream (If this reaches 1.000 notes I’ll draw the scene before this one lol) little nightmares little nightmares 2 the thin man the lady yall think I'm joking? The Pretender crawling down a cliff-face, determined to destroy The Girl in the Yellow Raincoat. The girl In very little nightmares that escaped the maw became a legend amongst the children as the yellow jacket girl and the the jacket going into the ocean could be what the signal tower wanted to happen. The Butler is the secondary antagonist in the mobile puzzle game: "Very Little Nightmares". She is the mistress of the Nest and is the owner of it The Craftsman, Butler apear to be her slaves possibly indicating, why the Butler is cuffed! This also causes Six to lose a friend. The Thin Man is the main antagonist of the 2021 indie horror video game Little Nightmares 2.A tall, mysterious humanoid entity who is closely linked with the Signal Tower and the televisions across the world, the Thin Man seems to be the apparent cause of the Transmission that has distorted the Pale City, its residents and likely a vast majority of the world. The second image however, shows guests are taller (but also way fatter) than most human adults and could swallow a child whole. Near Pure Evil Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Trapped in the darkest depths of The Maw, starving and alone, Six’s world is one filled with danger. A child who doesn't belong in the Little Nightmares universe awakes in the Nest. worshiping her. Most children would have already given up, but Six is different. He is a deformed humanoid that creates dolls for The Pretender. His long legs appear to be non-functional and his feet are bent backwards. Throughout the game, enormous humanoid beings are seen climbing aboard the vessel and setting off. Six • The Runaway Kid • The Girl in the Yellow Raincoat • Mono, The Janitor • The Twin Chefs • The Guests • The Granny • The Craftsman • The Butler • The Hunter • The Teacher • The Doctor, The Boy in Green • The Refugee Boy • The Long-Haired Girl • The Humpback Girl • The Bandaged Kid • The Ferryman • The Refugee Boy's younger sister • The North Wind • The boy who got tall • The boy who got forked • The boy who got strong • Mirror Monster • The Toddler • The Girl With Pigtails • The Fat Kid • Ghost • Black children, The Hanging Man • The Lunch Lady • The Mail Recipient, Leeches • The Eyes • Shoe Monster • Shadow Kids • Dump Monster • The Bullies • The Patients • The Living Hands • The Viewers • The Flesh Walls, Rats • Shadow Six • The Hunter's victims • Glitching Remains • Moths, grubs, and mites. The Pretender Goals All the dolls we see in … Full Name In order to make up for her loneliness, she has the dolls made of the children set up around tea parties and banquets in order to give herself the illusion of company. In the event that she catches up with the heroine, then she will destroy her with one touch. 12 votes, 12 comments. ; Raincoat Girl - Falls to her death along with The Pretender. The Pretender and the Yellow Raincoat girl falling into the water below. Statue of her with children. The Pretender seems to be the only living inhabitant (besides the Nomes) in the Living Quarters. ; Advancing Boss of Doom: In the game's final sequence, the player must flee as the Pretender pursues them headfirst down a cliff. The Pretender (Little Nightmares) The Runaway Kid (Little Nightmares) The Twin Chefs (Little Nightmares) The Teacher (Little Nightmares) The Hunter (Little Nightmares) The Lady is an e-girl; The Thin Man is an up-and-coming streamer; Everyone … Voice actor Female Killed The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat by scaring her off a cliff and falling with her into the depths below. 1 (directly)Hundreds (likely; enforced) She has long brown hair braided in a braid tied with a red ribbon or elastic. The Pretender is the main antagonist from Very Little Nightmares she has some sort of powers that can you turn into air. This theory is developed because of one big portrait The Girl in the Yellow Raincoat passes by in Very little nightmares. Unknown This section is to long, check The Pretender on Little Nightmares Wiki or The Pretender on Villains Wiki. Gender p.s. She has long silver hair, bangs that cover her eyes and a ponytail. Sleeping with the enemy. Tyrannical Brat. Mistress Very Little Nightmares (2019) The Pretender - Falls to her death along with Raincoat Girl. This image of pretender with her parents show how big little nightmares human adults are compared to ~ 9 year old children. Seeing as how The Craftsman's feet are broken and backwards, and The Butler's hands are locked in a brace, it's heavily implied that The Pretender enslaved them. She wears her black hair in a bun at the top of her head, with part of her hair loose and falling to her mid-back. In Very Little Nightmares, she appears at the end of the game where The Child in the Yellow Raincoat helped her to escape The Pretender. Judging by her hands and legs, she has a somewhat peachy skin tone. Likely to "make them more realistic". Crimes The Nest is so dangerous, it barely has to try to exterminate a wandering child. Near Pure Evil The Pretender yelling at one of her dolls. He appears to wear a surgical mask and red sunglasses, as well as a fully green outfit and a tan apron. She’s smart, and tough, and has a lovely yellow raincoat. She is one of the two Little Nightmares to be Near Pure Evil, the other being. She's so serious about it in fact, that when the Yellow Raincoat girl tips a doll off the table in order to reach the other side of the room, the gir… So I was watching a video about the Little Nightmares games and I saw that when you get killed by The Pretender in Very … Little Nightmares is a series of puzzle survival horror video games developed by Tarsier Studios.. The Pretender Very Little Nightmares indicates that she's at least survived the Nest before being captured by the Ferryman, and Little Nightmares II confirms that she's also made it through the Pale City. The Pretender is the main antagonist of Very Little Nightmares and the final obstacle in The Nest.. She's an wealthy yet oppressive girl who loses her temper whenever something is out of order. The Pretender pursuing The Girl in the Yellow Raincoat., The name Pretender may be a reference to a child's tendency to "play pretend", or imagine fictitious scenarios. Human Sad drabble based on my headcanon of Very Little Nightmares. At the end of Very Little Nightmares, if the Girl in the Yellow Raincoat does not save Six when she is about to fall then Six actually dies. The Lady is a tall, slim being who, for all intents and purposes, resembles a Japanese geisha, and is dressed accordingly in a dark, floor-length kimono with long sleeves. Enforcing the murder of hundreds of children to turn them into dolls. She recovers shortly after and leaps forward, tackling the Yellow Raincoat girl off the edge of the isle. She wears lipstick, however it is smeared all over her lips as though she quickly applied it herself. #little nightmares #very little nightmares #the pretender #kingdom au More you might like. This is further proven by how there was a kid in a cage earlier in the game that is shown to be a doll later on. Origin Type of Villain The Pretender seems to be the first well-off child of this world, unlike the children of, The Pretender is one of the few characters in the. Tiering: 10-A, likely 9-B. Unknown Biographical information Concerned for the girl in the yellow raincoat's safety, they insert themself into the story and intervine, trying to save as many lives as possible. Species If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. I'll do it I'll fking do it luckily the day will never come. The Pretender's scream is so loud that the Girl in the Yellow Raincoat has to shield her ears. Kill Count ; Little Nightmares (2017) Runaway Girl - … Very Little Nightmares The Craftsman is the first major antagonist that The Child in the Raincoat encounters in the mobile puzzle game: "Very Little Nightmares". She is a tyrannical child who likes to play with her "dolls". Kill The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat(succeeded). The Pretender seems to be the only living inhabitant (besides the Nomes) in the Living Quarters. The Craftsman appears as an old man bound to a small purple wheelchair.

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