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5 = Austria = Harry Winter = Du hast mich so fasziniert 4 = Switzerland = Anita Traversi = Cielo e terra 3 = Germany = Wyn Hoop = Bonne nuit, ma chérie! Copenhagen 1964 Hugues Aufray Dès Que Le Printemps Revient Final etykieta So laang we’s du do bast opis song aliasy jest to piosenka: źródła ilustracje rozmiar autor(ka) wstawił(a) sprawdzone przez "So laang we's du do bast" ("Tão longe que tu estás") foi a canção que representou o Luxemburgo no Festival Eurovisão da Canção 1960 que teve lugar em Londres em 25 de março daquele ano. Juli 2018 um 10:39 Auer fir d'lescht geännert. He sings So Laang We's Du Do Bast. So laang we's du do bast (« Tant que tu es là ») est une chanson interprétée par le chanteur Camillo Felgen pour représenter le Luxembourg au Concours Eurovision de la chanson 1960 le 29 mars à Londres. Här kan du se och höra låten igen. Harry Winter Du Hast Mich So Fasziniert 6 7th 8 Monaco. The next native Luxembourgish artist to represent the grand duchy was Monique Melsen in 1971, singing "Pomme, pomme, pomme" - in French. Mannst du emol fort gést Fir emmer no Nerd gest De sollst du not mierken meng hemelech Trèn Nawannst du ge'fst froen Da mist ech gestoen: So laang wo's du do warst So laang wor et sch'n! Lyrics: So Laang We's Du Do Bast. The grammatically correct form should be "Sou laang wéi du do bass". Kuck all méng Gedanken, si wanken, si schwanken. Looking High, High, High • Alla andra får varann • So laang we's du do bast • Det var en yndig tid • Mon amour pour toi • Voi Voi • Du hast mich so fasziniert • Ce soir-là • Cielo e terra • Wat een geluk • Bonne nuit ma chérie • Romantica • Tom Pillibi Il chante So Laang We's Du Do Bast. Name their country. So laang wéi méng Aen, dëch nëmmen gesin. 2 = Luxembourg = Camillo Felgen = So laang we's du do bast 1 = Monaco = François Deguelt = Ce soir-là 11th = Belgium = Fud Leclerc = Mon amour pour toi 12th = Italy = Renato Rascel = Romantica So laang we's du do bast (an haiteger Schreifweis: Sou laang wéi s du do bass) ass e Lidd vum lëtzebuergesche Sänger Camille Felgen.Et war déi lëtzebuergesch Bedeelegung am Grand Prix Eurovision Song Contest 1960, gesongen op Lëtzebuergesch.Et koum op déi 13. [1] A orquestra foi dirixida por Eric Robinson. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This Luxembourg-related article is a stub. A canción participou no festival celebrado no Royal Festival Hall o 29 de marzo de 1960, sendo interpretada polo cantante luxemburgués Camillo Felgen. Buy me a coffee This site is a labour of love (and compulsiveness) so I'm happy to put in the hours for free. The next Luxembourgish entry to be sung in the Luxembourgish language was "Sou fräi" at the 1992 Contest. Kuck all méng Gedanken, si wanken, si schwanken. Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji organizowanym w Londynie.Była to pierwsza eurowizyjna propozycja śpiewana w języku luksemburskim. Juli 2018 um 10:39 Auer fir d'lescht geännert. 1956: Ne crois pas 1956: Les amants de minuit 1957: Amours mortes (tant de peine) 1958: Un grand amour 1960: So laang we's du do bast 1961: Nous les amoureux 1962: Petit Bonhomme 1963: À force de prier 1964: Dès que le printemps revient 1965: Poupée de cire, poupée de son 1966: Ce soir je t'attendais 1967: L’amour est bleu 1968: Nous vivrons d'amour 1969: Catherine Solange Berry (g.1932 m. lapkričio 23 d. Šarlerua) yra Belgijos dainininkė.. Savo muzikinę karjerą pradėjo 1955 metais, išleidusi debiutinį albumą „Chanson pour tous“.. 1958 metais dainininkė atstovavo Liuksemburgui 1958 m. „Eurovizijos“ dainų konkurse su daina „Un grand amour“ (liet. So you must say wonderful things to me I think you're wonderful too Say wonderful things to me Especially 'I love you' ... Luxembourg 1960: So Laang We's Du Do Bast (conductor) United Kingdom 1959: Sing Little Birdie (conductor) United Kingdom 1957: All (conductor) COMMENTATOR. So Laang We's Du Do Bast 1 13th 4 Denmark. No commercial recording was ever made of the original Luxembourgish version by Camillo Felgen. Anita Traversi So laang we's du do bast So laang's du mir no bast So laang ke fir mech et neischt schèneres ginn. Henri Moots tarafından yazılmıştır. "So laang we's du do bast" ("As Long As You Are There") was Luxembourg's entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1960. 1956: Ne crois pas 1956: Les amants de minuit 1957: Amours mortes (tant de peine) 1958: Un grand amour 1960: So laang we's du do bast 1961: Nous les amoureux 1962: Petit Bonhomme 1963: À force de prier 1964: Dès que le printemps revient 1965: Poupée de cire, poupée de son 1966: Ce soir je t'attendais 1967: L’amour est bleu 1968: Nous vivrons d'amour 1969: Catherine So laang we's du do bast: Performed by: Camillo Felgen: Broadcaster: CLT/RTL: Placing: 13th (1 point) Artists: Camillo Felgen Real name: Camille Jean Nicolas Felgen Connections: Luxembourg 1962: Petit bonhomme (as Camillo Felgen, solo) Composers: Henri Moots: Jean Roderes Connections: So laang we’s du do bast, so laang’s du mir no bast. Informationen zum Song So Laang We's Du Do Bast von Camillo Felgen. Luxemburg had bij het songfestival van 1959 verstek laten gaan door de laatste plaats het jaar ervoor. In 1953, he recorded his first German language record, "Onkel Toms altes Boot" ("Uncle Tom's Old Boat"), in Berlin. The song placed last with just one point from Italy, saving them from having the first Nul Points. 1960 Camillo Felgen - So Laang We's Du Do Bast. Kolla in listplaceringar och hitta andra gamla favoritlåtar som var populära under samma period. Au terme du vote final, le Luxembourg termine 13 e et dernier, recevant un seul point de la part du jury italien [1]. À l'issue du vote, elle obtient 1 points et se classe par conséquent 13 e et dernière [1], [2]. So laang we’s du do bast, so laang’s du mir no bast So laang kann fir mëch ët näischt Schéineres gin Wann’s de heino och fort gees, fir ëmmer no Nord gees He represented his home country in the Eurovision Song Contest 1960 with "So laang we's du do bast", becoming the first male contestant to represent Luxembourg and … So laang we's du do bast: Performed by: Camillo Felgen: Broadcaster: CLT/RTL: Placing: 13th (1 point) Artists: Camillo Felgen Real name: Camille Jean Nicolas Felgen Connections: Luxembourg 1962: Petit bonhomme (as Camillo Felgen, solo) Composers: Henri Moots: Jean Roderes Connections: Elle a par la suite également été enregistré par Camillo Felgen dans une version en allemand sous le titre Solange du da bist [1]. It represented the country at the 1960 contest, and performed in Luxembourgish by Camillo Felgen. Kommer du ihåg SO LAANG WE'S DU DO BAST av CAMILLO FELGEN? etykieta So laang we’s du do bast opis song aliasy jest to piosenka: źródła ilustracje rozmiar autor(ka) wstawił(a) sprawdzone przez Im Jahr 1960 erreichte Camillo Felgen mit dem Lied «So laang we's du do bast» für Luxemburg den 13. Read more. François Deguelt Ce Soir-là 15 3rd 9 Switzerland. Camillo Felgen interprète So laang we's du do bast en 3 e position, après la Suède et avant le Danemark. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=So_laang_we%27s_du_do_bast&oldid=894919771, Articles needing additional references from April 2019, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 30 April 2019, at 20:51. Si sin stéits bei dir, an ech kann nët dofir. Het lied So laang we's du do bast was speciaal voor het festival geschreven. Şarkı Lüksemburgça dilinde seslendirilmiştir. Angelina Jordan - Bohemian Rhapsody - America's Got Talent: The Champions One - January 6, 2020 - … However, he did record a German-language version 40 years later, entitled "Solange du da bist". So Laang We's Du Do Bast: writer: Latest from the blog Spokesperson stats. David Jacobs. Camillo Felgen, performer of the famous hit Sag Warum in 1959 and presenter on Radio Luxembourg, representing Luxembourg at the 5th Eurovision Song Contest. So laang we’s du do bast, so laang’s du mir no bast. Anybody possessing more accurate knowledge of … [1] [2]No festival. A canción participou no festival celebrado no Royal Festival Hall o 29 de marzo de 1960, sendo interpretada polo cantante luxemburgués Camillo Felgen. So laang we's du do bast, so laang's du mir no bastSo laang wéi méng Aen, dëch nëmmen gesinSo laang we's du hei bast, so léiw an so trei bastSo laang kann fir mëch ët näischt Schéineres gin, Kuck all méng Gedanken, si wanken, si schwankenSi sin stéits bei dir, an ech kann nët dofirSo laang we's du do bast, so laang's du mir no bastSo laang kann fir mëch ët näischt Schéineres gin, Wann's de heino och fort gees, fir ëmmer no Nord geesDann solls du nët mierken méng heemelëch TräinAn wann's du géif's froën, dann misst ech gestoënSo laang we's du do worst, so laang wor ët schéin, Et as so am Liewen: 't geet monsches doniewenAll Stonnen déi schéin, vill ze séier verbléinWann's du dann no Nord gees, gleew mir, wann's de och fort geesSo laang we's du do bast, so laang wor ët schéin, As long as you are there, as long as you are near meAs long as my eyes only see youAs long as you are here, being lovely and faithfulSo long it can't be anything more beautiful to me, Look at all my thoughts, they're swaying, they're staggeringThey will be with you always and I can't help itAs long as you are there, as long as you are near meSo long it can't be anything more beautiful to me, Even if you will go away then, going to the north foreverYou won't notice my secret tearsAnd if you asked me, then I would have to admitAs long as you were there, so long everything was fine, That's the way life is: some things will go wrongTimes of happiness pass by much too fastWhen you will go to the north then, believe me, even when you will go awayAs long as you are there, so long everything was fine, All the songs for Eurovision Song Contest 2021. So laang we’s du hei bast, so léiw an so trei bast. Elle a par la suite également été enregistré par Camillo Felgen dans une version en allemand sous le titre Solange du da bist [1]. So Laang We's Du Do Bast by Camillo Felgen for Luxembourg in ESC 1960. Unlike most other Luxembourgish entries, this was in their own language, Luxembourgish. So laang we's du do bast est la troisième chanson interprétée lors de la soirée du concours, suivant Alla andra får varann de Siw Malmkvist pour la Suède et précédant Det var en yndig tid de Katy Bødtger pour le Danemark. The song was succeeded as Luxembourgish representative at the 1961 contest by Jean-Claude Pascal with "Nous les amoureux". "So laang we's du do bast" ("As Long As You Are There") was Luxembourg's entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1960. Country Song Composer(s) Performer(s) Conductor Points Position; 1: United Kingdom: Looking High, High, High: John Watson: Bryan Johnson: Eric Robinson: 25: 2: 2: Sweden So laang kann fir mëch ët näischt Schéineres gin . So laang we's du do bast, so laang's du mir no bast So laang wéi méng Aen, dëch nëmmen gesin So laang we's du hei bast, so léiw an so trei bast So laang kann fir mëch ët näischt Schéineres gin Kuck all méng Gedanken, si wanken, si … So laang we's du do bast (« Tant que tu es là ») est une chanson interprétée par le chanteur Camillo Felgen pour représenter le Luxembourg au Concours Eurovision de la chanson 1960 le 29 mars à Londres. Références Here is the list of all last places in Eurovision Song Contest. [2] [3] En el festival. [1] A orquestra foi dirixida por Eric Robinson. So Laang We's Du Do Bast Final 1 points 13th. So laang we’s du do bast – utwór luksemburskiego piosenkarza Camillo Felgena napisany przez Henriego Mootsa i Jeana Roderèsa w 1960 roku.. W 1960 roku utwór reprezentował Luksemburg w 5. Dës Säit gouf de(n) 21. Références Anybody possessing more accurate knowledge of … Selección «So laang we's du do bast» foi seleccionada para representar a Luxemburgo no Festival de Eurovisión 1960 pola emisora luxemburguesa Télé-Luxembourg. Mannst du emol fort gést Fir emmer no Nerd gest De sollst du not mierken meng hemelech Trèn Nawannst du ge'fst froen Da mist ech gestoen: So laang wo's du do warst So laang wor et sch'n! So Laang We's Du Do Bast by Camillo Felgen for Luxembourg in ESC 1960. So laang we’s du do bast () . The song is in the chanson style, with Felgen telling his lover that he will continue to love her "as long as you are there". So laang we’s du do bast – utwór luksemburskiego piosenkarza Camillo Felgena napisany przez Henriego Mootsa i Jeana Roderèsa w 1960 roku.. W 1960 roku utwór reprezentował Luksemburg w 5. I’ve added the names of voting spokespeople from their first year, 1957, to the present day – so now we can pull out some stats and facts. The official lyrics of So Laang We's Du Do Bast are not (yet) available. If she leaves him, he sings, he will continue to do so but she won't notice. So laang we's du do bast est la troisième chanson interprétée lors de la soirée du concours, suivant Alla andra får varann de Siw Malmkvist pour la Suède et précédant Det var en yndig tid de Katy Bødtger pour le Danemark.

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