istor o nal

A CLIMB ON ISTOR-O-NAL, 1935 CAPTAIN R. J. LAWDER It was soon after I was posted to Chitral in April 1935 that I met Mr. D. N. B. It crowns a massif with eleven peaks of elevation more than 7,000 m. It is a peak at an elevation of 7,403 meter (or 24,288 ft) and is ranked 68th highest in the world. Koordinat papanipun gunung Istoro-o-nal inggih punika 36 ° 23 '13 "Lintang Utara, 71 ° 53' 21 bujur Timur. It is the 68th most noteworthy free top on the planet. Vzhledem k tomu, že Istor-o-Nal stojí za vyšším vrcholem Tirič Mír, není dobře viditelný. Istor-o-Nal Climbing Notes. Istor-o-Nal, Chitrāl District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan (36.37729 71.89751). Only on the old maps and sketches the SW ridge continued to the main summit. Istor-o-nal meaning ‘Horse shoe’ in the local language of Chitral District is a mountain in the Hindu Kush range. It crowns a massif with eleven pinnacles of rise in excess of 7,000 m. Consider things such as access and accommodation at the base of Istor-o-Nal, as well as the logistics of climbing to the summit. Istor o Nal. Istor o Nal Save Istor O Nal view from Ghul Lasht Zom ~6200m « PREV NEXT » Razaq. Comments & voting; Other parents; Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing. Istor-o-Nal or इस्तोर-ओ-नल is the third highest mountain in the Hindu Kush, in the Chitral District of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Be the first to submit your climbing note! We talked about mountains and rather light-heartedly decided to make an attempt to climb Istor-o-Nal, the great outlier of the Tirich Mir group of the Chitral Hindu Kush. Overview – Istor-o-Nal Peak Expedition. Istor-o-Nal Weather (Days 0-3): The weather forecast for Istor-o-Nal is: A dusting of new snowExtremely cold (max -25°C on Sun morning, min -37°C on Thu night)Winds decreasing (severe gales from the NW on Fri night, fresh winds from the NW by Sat afternoon). Hunt, r.e. Istor-o-Nal - szczyt paśmie Hindukusz.Leży w północnym Pakistanie.Leży na południowy wschód od Noszak i na północny wschód od Tiricz Mir - najwyższego szczytu pasma Hindukusz. First Ascent: June 8, 1955, by American team members Joseph E. Murphy, Jr., and Thomas A. Mutch, led by Pakistani Major Ken Bankwala, on a Princeton Mountaineering Club expedition. Weather for Istor o Nal at Lists that contain Istor-o-Nal: World 7200-meter Peaks (Rank #66) Ascent Info Total successful ascents logged by registered users: 1: Nearby Peak Searches: Radius Search - Nearest Peaks to Istor-o-Nal Elevation Ladder from Istor-o-Nal Prominence Ladder from Istor-o-Nal It is the 68th highest independent peak in the world. on Dec 26, 2008 8:29 pm. Istoro -o- Nal . Vrchol se nachází několik kilometrů severovýchodně od Tirič Mír (nejvyšší hora pohoří Hindúkuš). Height: 24,288 feet / 7,403 meters . The Istor-o-Nal West I is also the highest peak of the SW ridge. Mountain Range: Hindu Kush. Please submit any useful information about climbing Istor-o-Nal that may be useful to other climbers. Istor-o-Nal lies in the Chitral District of Pakistan. Istor-o-Nal is the third most noteworthy mountain in the Hindu Kush, in the Chitral District of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Istor-o-Nal je třetí nejvyšší hora v pohoří Hindúkuš v Pákistánu.Název se používá pro masiv s jedenácti vrcholy s výškou nad 7000 metrů nad mořem. View High-Resolution Image. The ridge with its secondary peaks is separated from the southern group (Main, South and South-East Peak) by a wide col on the top of a large couloir (on the right hand of the SW ridge). Istor o nal inggih punika gunung ingkang inggilipun urutan kaping tiga wonten ing Hindhukush, Chitral, Pakistan lan urutan kaping wolu wonten ing donya.

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